Who We Are

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I wonder if there are people thinking as I do. I really like doing what I do , but why do people don´t mind their own business?  

What I like the most really is I never  got affected by my nicknames , I´m not going to mention them because right know is just useless,I guess 

I love music , but bands haven´t saved my life because the only person that can do it , its me. Listening and Hearing the lyrics might sound the same but its a difference. You listen to understand and hear to enjoy. A very interesting point of view, seems I have plenty of free time.

Writing is like an escape from reality as well as reading , getting trapped on unreal scenarios, getting a relationship with a celebrity , or even getting a happily ever after ending. Despite having a happily ever after ending what matters the most is the plot and how you get it through. 

While I see myself , getting through my everyday life not something excited but I guess that makes me realize that ´´Life is what happen while you are busy making your excuses´´ 

I wonder if as we grow we change on the way we think because adults not always get what teenagers do or the only excuse they say is because I don´t want you to make the same mistakes as i did. Sounds like a cliché but that is what they always say, or the famous Because I say so.

Power always change people, huh, so parents change when they get the control on their children?

A battle on my thoughts comes along the fact I will have many task or getting to be responsible when I am a complete disaster, pretty dumb but getting in charge of another human being besides me, is something useless because I´m a complete disaster. That is another story because I´m only 16. 

My actions doesn´t define  my maturity because if you hang out with me I´m like a 7 year old girl , but I can act as I am 23. I don´t know how a 16 year old girl acts, its never planned on me. 

After many challenges , I resumed into you only live once but is not like I am going to party at 3 am or get drugged. Is just a matter to be happy and learning. Oh this sounds so dull , but if you are happy you are complete ,just I need to fight for it a little more...

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