Chapter One? Never Be

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(Dedicated to my baby Lauren)


A crackle of fire released numerous flakey ambers into the trail of smoke that originated from the blaze, whisking itself in the direction of a few bodies who dodged the flickers of fire, coughing the smoke out of their lungs and rubbing their eyes. Laughter rung in the air like an uneven song, different laughs, different pitches, but all for the same reason. Her own quiet giggles blended with the noise, no one even heard her but it didn't bother her, she was happy to be one with the group. She was happy to be able to truly get out and laugh again. But the nagging thoughts of deprecation still weighed heavily on her mind, always rearing their ugly heads before her again and again like an inexhaustible boomerang. But for now, her laughs were genuine as she watched with observant eyes and listened with an open mind to everything that went on around her.

"Alright everybody," A sudden voice commanding attention spoke from beside her, startling Lauren out of her own introverted daze. Her eyes flickered from the bursting orange flames to the now standing figure who loomed above her. She watched silently with the glimmering of the glowing flares of heat reflecting in her pale green eyes, her condemning thoughts fleeing her briefly once more as she focused intently on her friend's words.

The chubby brunette cleared her throat before flashing a smirk only a devil could adorn as she continued on, "Now let's play everyone's favorite game –" A dramatic pause for suspense. "Truth or dare!" A singular long drawn out groan erupted from directly across where Lauren and Vivian had situated themselves around the fire, but was easily drowned out by a couple girls' spare cheers and other's elated grins. Vivian took her seat again beside Lauren, shooting her a mischievous smile that Lauren couldn't help but chuckle at.

"Who's first?" Her brown eyes sparkled with what only could be identified with impishness as she once again directed the group of friends. A young girl with a tight ponytail of platinum hair and a toothy grin popped her head up first, a playful expression imprinted upon her face that could rival Vivian's.

"I'll go." She spoke up. She pretended to scan the group but really had decided on the perfect victim as soon as the infamous game had been mentioned. Her hazel eyes paused directly upon the slumped form sitting within the black lawn chair, his obsidian fringe concealing his tired eyes from spotting her ill gaze.

"Calum," A crowd of childish "oohs" blew through the mass. With a flick of his head his hair perfectly fell into place and out of his eyes and he trained a wide eyed stare upon Addy, a corner of his lips flinching downwards. A flash of a smile crossed Lauren's face as she observed his startled expression; he clearly hadn't been paying attention and was probably going to pay the price for it.

"Truth or dare?"

He blinked blankly for a second, processing her words at the pace of a sloth. After a beat of silence, his chapped lips of faded pink parted gradually, "Uh . . . Dare?"

"I dare you to show everyone what's in your wallet."

Original – Lauren would give her that. Unbeknownst to herself, she subconsciously leaned forward in her seat, eyes intently burning into his entire being. A sense of pity filled her once she saw a sheepish expression dawn his face, what was left of his smile falling completely like an apple to the ground. A brief image of a comically red hue dusting his bronze cheeks flashed before her mind, what she would currently be seeing if it wasn't for the glowing light of the fire and the surrounding darkness that shrouded the earth around them. Gradually he rose from his chair with a timid attitude, a shot of hesitance between his every move. As if to stall his inevitable doom, he patted his covered legs to mimic things like he was looking for the desired item, his eyes flitting from stare to stare, the overwhelming attention of everyone only emphasizing his embarrassment. Finally, he reached behind himself and retrieved the black, leather wallet from his back jean pocket. He fumbled nervously and a crowd of "hurry ups!" came grumbled from the group. And with one last shaky chuckle that was mainly a single wobbly breath and then he flipped it over and several objects clattered into Vivian's hand who had magically appeared beside him in a flurry of motions. One by one she held each of his personal items up for the party to see, announcing them all simultaneously as she did. Most of it was regular, mundane things like his driver's license, three dollars and two pennies, and a receipt for seven bottles of Mt. Dew and a snickers bar. Lauren almost grew uninterested in it all until the last mystery object was exclaimed loudly by a smirking brunette wearing a baggy tee shirt and too tight of jeans.

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