Chapter 8: And So It Goes...

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Karlie never knew a single word uttered from the lips of the girl she loved could bring her such joy. The word 'Yes' washed over her like a warm coat of sunshine and glitter. The smile on her girlfriend's face left her enraptured. The feeling of hands intertwined never held such meaning before. All these sensations washed over her like a gentle breeze.

Observing Karlie's face lighting up with her simple reply, Taylor realized she had never seen such bright and glaring joy on someone's face before. Her girlfriend was like a ball of light that never extinguished. She's like literal sunshine! Taylor realized as she fixated her eyes on those hazel green eyes that were filled with emotion and currently directed right at her. Taylor almost looked away but found herself lost in those eyes that just pulled her in, leaving her unable to turn away.

Lost in the moment, they held each other's hands tightly, with their stares filled with meaning only those who have truly been in love could understand. A hurricane could be happening at the very moment and they would not even have noticed.

Taylor reached out an arm and caressed Karlie's cheek. Now both of them had a hand touching each other's opposite cheeks. She leaned in slowly as Karlie closed her eyes, wanting to embrace this sacred moment that was about to occur.

She felt cool, soft lips merging with hers as she opened her mouth to accept the kiss from Taylor. To Karlie, Taylor tasted like sweet cinnamon and fruity cherry lip gloss. Their mouths molded together as she deepened the kiss slowly, wanting to enjoy every moment of their first kiss.

When Taylor initiated the kiss earlier, she was filled with trepidation, afraid to see how Karlie would react. Fueled with adrenalin from the earlier moment, she went for it, landing her lips softly on Karlie's. Karlie tasted like sunshine and rainbows, her lips were so soft and Taylor felt like she was on the top of the world. Nothing could ever be better than this. she thought to herself. Their lips molded around each other's lips slowly and gently, each of them exploring the new sensation.

Still caressing Taylor's face, Karlie was the first to break the kiss, breathless with happiness. "We're girlfriends!" Karlie squealed in excitement, lunging for Taylor, smoldering her with a big bear hug on the couch. Taylor returned the hug happily, "I guess we are now."

"Did I hear a tone of regret there? I didn't get any feelings of regret from you when you kissed me." Karlie teased Taylor, bopping her nose. Her face was filled with an imperfectly lopsided perfect smile as she practically beamed at Taylor. Unable to keep a straight face in the face of such joy, Taylor laughed happily hugged Karlie tightly back in reply.

After peppering each other with kisses across faces, Karlie turned seductively towards Taylor, "So, as girlfriends, what should we do for our first date?"

Laughing at the brunette's pursed lips, "Didn't we just go on a date? I mean we did just go to watch a NBA game- "

Cutting Taylor off, Karlie exclaimed, "That wasn't counted! We weren't girlfriends yet! You owe me a date, Taylor Alison Swift!"

"What! Why me? Shouldn't you be sending me on a date instead? You did just ask me to be your girlfriend." Taylor retorted.

"Look at us, barely minutes into dating and we're already quarrelling. We'll never last at this rate, we might as well break it off now!" Karlie teasingly said.

"Don't say that." Taylor softly said as she looked down. Immediately noticing the change in Taylor's mood, Karlie pulled Taylor into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, "Taylor, you got to know that I'm in this. Through whatever may come. Don't worry so much."

Hugging Karlie even tighter, Taylor smiled happily into her shoulders, "I'm so happy we're girlfriends Karls."

"Me too, Taylor. Me too." Karlie said as she pulled apart from the hug, leaving a disappointed Taylor behind.

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