(beach intruder)

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i replied with a yes

i packed a towel and a cute bikini even thoe i didn't like guys seeing my body i was very conservative i grabbed my white Abercrombie flip flops i heard a loud bleep out side my window i took a peek it was cam honking at me. i ran down stairs quickly ate a piece of toast and ran into his car hey Skye what's up he said in such a happy tone i gave him a small peck on the cheek... and we drove off as i see the beach cam asked me a question

Skye i hope you don't mind but i invited some people he said in a shy broken voice

...lol cam its all good with me invite who you want

we got to the beach and i grabbed out my bag cam

had his trunks on already so all he did was take off his shirt revealing his really sexy body

we started walking to were the "BOYS" were at there was waiting Nash, Matt and Shawn cam was pulling me closer to him as we kept walking towards the guys i was at cams warm side his body touching mine he was so hot i couldn't help but blush

Yo what up Skye

Nash ran to me tackled. me with a hug it was long and kind of awkward hug ya kn? i could see cam looking at us with a weird anger look he gave Nash a WTF are you doing kinda look he had finally let go

~cams POV~ wtf why was Nash all up on her i told his dumb ass i liked her he was clearly trying to ruin this..

my face was mostly purple from holding in all that awkwardness i took cams hand an told him to wait whistle i go and change into my bathing suit he sat down with my towel on his shoulder as i grabbed my stuff and ran into a changing booth....

(Please read this man)

A whole new world (Cameron dallas fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt