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A couple hours passed and shiro left, leaving lance his phone number, lance just threw it away and continued working. Lance had stopped caring about people a long time ago. He never really wanted to be around people, as a kid he was so care free... so happy and shiny... playing tag and getting chased... but things changed wildly with lance. He started to doubt himself, he started to Icolate himself. His parents never raised him... he had to count on strangers who walked by him to do that...

Lance finnishes up the chapter and stands, walking to the library, opening it and starting to get to work, moments later kids flooded in, he never liked kids... they were loud and  obnoxious... He put some books away and went back to the desk, checking books out for people. Lance wanted nothing more then to go home and sleep but he wouldn't get that for a while...

Once his shift was over he walked out,  sighing, he walked home and ordered pizza before sitting on the couch. There is a sudden knock on the door and lance gets up to answer it, he opens the door and shiro is there "hey lance. I wanted to know if you wanted to go out and get some coffee together...?" Shiro asked, lance shook his head "I have work to do and pizza to eat." Lance grumbles. "Oh come on mister grumpy pants, let's go have some fun!" He drags lance out. "Ahh w-wait!" Lance said. Lance tries to get out of his grip but failed. Shiro dragged him to a fair, lances lest favorite thing, spinny rides, the payments, the smell of sweaty people and fried food and his least favorite thing.... people.

Shiro bought wristbands and put one on my wrist, I hated wristbands, sticky and itchy. Shiro dragged me to a roller coaster and dragged me into the line "S-Shiro I'm not huge on... r-roller coasters...." lance said. "This one Is really fun I promise!" Shiro grinned. Lance just looked down. They got on and the ride started going. Lance held on to shiros arm tightly as the ride went upside-down and through tunnels and spins. Lance screams in fear and shiro screams in happiness. As the ride stopped. Lances hair was a complete mess, his glasses were half way off his nose and his oversized sweater was falling off one shoulder. Lance stood up and stumbles around, shiro caught him before he could fall "careful lance." Shiro chuckles. Lance sighs softly.

As the night goes on they go on rides, witch mostly ends in lance getting dizzy or him just flat out blacking out for a couple seconds on the ride. At the end of the night at 11:pm they were sitting on the bench, sharing an ice cream. Shiro had an arm around lance and lance was leaning into shiro, shiro may have forced him here but lance was actually... kinda enjoying it... getting out really isn't his thing but shiro made it enjoyable.

Shiro was talking away and soon he felt a head land on his shoulder, he stopped talking and looked at the small, tired boy in his arms, he picked the sleeping lance up bridal style, he carried lance home and opened the door they carelessly left unlocked. Shiro found his bedroom and layed him down. Shiro kissed his head and lance smiles in his sleep. Shiro was satisfied and he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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