Chapter 13

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   Setting your keys down on the island you kicked your shoes off. Looking around you shook your head at the disaster you house was. Taking all the canvases you stuck them in the corner, eyes facing to the wall. Gathering the garbage and plates you went to the kitchen and stuck them in the sink, filling it up with soapy water. There weren’t that many, as you relied on take-out the last few weeks. After washing and rinsing them you set them in the rack to air dry. Wiping your hands on the towel set water to boil for tea and padded to the bathroom. You pulled your hair down letting the heavy mass fall, sighing as you rolled your neck back and forth. Unzipping out of the dress you shucked it to the floor and slipped into the shorts and tank top you set out for when you got home, pulling another baggy tank top over it. Twisting your hair at the nape of your neck you scrunched it into a bun, not really caring how you looked. Walking out you let out a shriek of surprise, throwing your hand over your chest. Tom was standing in your flat, still dressed in his wedding suit; only the jacket was over his arm.

     “Sorry.” He apologized, holding his hands out.

    “You scared the living daylights out of me.”

    He pursed his lips as he laid the jacket over a chair, resting a hand on top of it. Suddenly you felt really awkward in your own home, as though you didn’t belong there. Rubbing your hands on your shorts you moved around him, giving him a wide berth as you grabbed the kettle off the stove, just as it was starting to whistle. Placing it on the island you snatched two mugs from the cupboard and set them down next to it.

    “Do you want some tea?”

    Tom chuckled as he turned around, finding your eyes instantly. You expected to see hurt and anger but all you could see was a strange light burning in them. HE moved to stand across from you, placing his hands flat on the table as he looked right at you.

    “You ran. Again.”

     “I know. I didn’t know what to say to you.”

    “I’m not angry darling. I just want to know why you ran.”

    You couldn’t look at him as you dropped two tea bags in the cups and poured the boiling water over them. Your hands were trembling as you poured. Reaching over he grabbed the handle of the kettle, his hand right over yours. Blinking you looked up and saw he was still staring, his blue eyes brighter than you had ever seen them. Lowering the kettle he let go of your hand and you pulled back, sliding the cup over to him.

    “I’m at a loss for words for the first time in my life since I met you. I don’t know what you want me to say and I don’t know what to say. Are you ok?”

    Tom just smiled as he wrapped his long fingers around the mug, not moving to fix his tea.

    “I am surprisingly fine. Do you want to know why?”

    Biting the inside of your lip you met his gaze, giving him a nod, not trusting your voice and mind to not betray you. Blinking the tears away, you let go of the mug, afraid to knock it over.

      “I am fine because my heart doesn’t belong to her anymore. Someone has come along and snatched it away right under my nose.” He explained, moving slowly around the island towards you, “Someone who is beautiful as the break of day, with the heart, mind and soul of an artist. Someone who has already been by my side through everything. Someone who was brave enough to bare her soul to me and offer her love freely. “

   A watery smile spread across your face as you wiped away tears with the back of your hand. Tom had moved around the table the whole time he was talking till he was standing right in front of you. Looking down he moved his hand towards yours, slowly intertwining your fingers together. Bringing his other hand up he placed his hand on your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.

    “I didn’t mean for it to be like this. You’re wedding…” you murmured, pointing at his clothes.

     “My wedding will be soon enough if everything goes as plan.”

     Your eyes flew to his, as the warmth of his hand seeped through your skin, warming placing you didn’t even know had chilled. Bringing your hand up you clasped his wrist, holding his hand against your face. Taking a step forward you looked into his eyes, realized what the strange light burning in his eyes has been this whole time.

     “I don’t know why I couldn’t see before Lacey. How could I have missed what was in my own heart?”

    A tear slid down your cheek, running onto Tom’s fingers. He brought his hands up, placing them on the sides of your neck, his fingers running into your hair. Tilting your head back you leaned up to meet his lips, fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Resting your hands against his chest, you breathed him in, amazed that this was actually happening. His lips moved against yours as though you were made for each other, not even requiring thought. After what felt like millennia  he pulled back, his eyes opening to look down at you with all the love in the world. He brought his hands down to rest on your waist, holding you close to him, resting his chin on the top of your head. Resting your hands on his back you looked around and the place you called home for so long. It finally felt right standing with this man in your arms. Looking at the mugs you tilted your head up to look at him.

    “What’s that look for my love?” he asked, brushing a hair from your face.

    You gave him a cheeky grin as you looked towards the island, where the forgotten mugs were sitting.

    “Our tea is ruined.”

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