Chapter 5

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Ladybug:"Chat!,where are you"

Ladybug heard a loud scream coming
From chloe's room, ladybug ran in the room and saw chat noir laying on the floor with out moving

Ladybug:"Chat!!!!!!!,Oh my god" *Tears started to form in Ladybug eye*

Chat noir:"My'lady be careful!"

Vanisher threw a vase at ladybug but she dodged it

Ladybug:"Vanisher! Stop you are hurting them Physically!!"

Vanisher:"They hurt me so it time for them to get hurt"

Ladybug picked up a injured Chat noir and ran out the door. Ladybug landed on top of the building where chloe's on

Chloe:"Chat noir!! Oh my god is he going to be okay!?!"

Ladybug:"yea he will, I'll be back soon just stay here"

Ladybug took Chat noir to Master fu who was now healing Chat

Master fu:"I guess the Akumas are getting powerful"

Ladybug:"Yea we are going to need help Master"

Master fu:"Oh ladybug i guess you guy will be needing help here take these two Miraculouses,and remember to choose the person wisely"

Ladybug:"Thanks Master fu"

Master fu:"My pleasure and your partner is fully energized"

Chat noir:"W-What happened"


Ladybug ran and hugged a confused Cat

Ladybug:"I was sooo worried about you!!!"

Chat noir:"Awww Bugaboo"

End of chapter



*Master fu in the back ground fan girling

*Master fu in the back ground fan girling

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Ladybug:"What did you say?"

Master fu:"I said good luck"

Ladybug:"Oh okay thanks"

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