Chapter 13: Janice and Sheldon

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Haaaayyyyyyy! I'm back. I figured I shouldn't keep you hanging this long.

I woke up to my phone beeping. I looked at the screen.

Hey you want to go to the movies or something today? -Dom

That sounds ok. Do I actually have to look pretty or can I come in sweats? -Bailey

Your always pretty. But yes you can come in sweats. -Dom

Awe, thanks. By the way, what time is the movie? -Bailey

8, see you then. -Dom.

I've been talking to Dom since halloween. He's a cool friend and we hang out all the time.

I went and put on a pair of blue Victoria's Secret and a PINK jacket. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and added light makeup. I like hanging out with Dom because he's just a friend and there is definitely nothing going on. I know he flirts and compliments me all the time. And I'm not clueless, he definitely has a small crush. But it's not like I like him. And I already told him about my mishap with Ryder. But since Ryder only just explained to me the real story a couple of hours ago Dom doesn't know the whole story.

And I don't think I'm going to tell him. He doesn't have to know everything going on in my life. I hopped into my car and drove off. Right before my parents left they finally decided it was time to get me a car. Thank god because now I don't need rides from Ryder. No pun intended.

I wanted to eat first so I stoped by In-N-Out. I know you don't have to tell me, I'm a total fattie. I ordered a cheesebureger with fries and a drink. And let me tell you it tasted delicious.

I got to the movies around 7:30 and Dom was already there.

"Hey honey buns," Dom said putting his arm around me.

"Hey hot stuff!" I exclaimed. We always give each other the stupidest nicknames. I think it's kind of funny.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked as we stood in line.

"I don't even know, my mom shoved two tickets in my face and forced me to take someone." He laughed.

I faked a gasp, "You only invited me because you were forced to?!" He looked at me in shock.

"No, of course not, wait,' He stuttered, "It's not like that. What I meant was," He kept on rambling.

"Dom, calm down. I was just kidding. C'mon lets go watch." I said dragging him into the theatre.

"We sat down and the movie started. It was some weird movie about two kids who get lost in the forest. I'm a fan of scary movies but this one is just a little to sketchy for me.

"Hey don't worry, if you get scared I'll take care of you." Dom said putting his arm around me. I smiled. This guy is so cheesy.

As the movie came to an end it ended up being even stupider than I expected. It ended up being that a demon posesed both kids and they ended up slottering each other and the demon moved on to the next set of kids to haunt. It was really dumb.

Suddenly I heard this really obnoxious laugh come from the other side of the theatre. It was a girl who sounded like a lot of work.

I looked around and found the source of the disgusting noise. It was a girl wearing a crop top and a skirt showing half of her butt. Her makeup was over done and her hair was dead. It looked like it had been dyed at least 20 times.

Hey voice also sounded like Janice. You know from F•R•I•E•N•D•S. She always said, "Ohhw Moy Gawd." If you don't the screw you.

Anyway I looked at Dom and he had the same expression. What. A. Hoe. Bag.

Then what surprised me most is the person who wrapped his arm around her. Ryder Freaking Jones. I cannot believe that is his girlfriend. Now I understand why her dad is blackmailing boys into dating her. She looks and sounds horrible.

"Dom, lets go, now!" I said pulling him out of the theater.

"Bailey is that you?" I heard Ryder's voice.

"Keep walking." I whispered to Dom.

"Bailey I know that's you." I heard his voice again.

"Babe wait up! You know I can't run in heels!" The obnoxious girlfriend squealed.

And that's when Ryder knew he wasn't going to be getting my attention any time soon. He stopped and waited for his girlfriend to catch up to him while Dom and I headed for our cars.

"You up for some Fro-yo?" Dom asked.

"Dom it's the middle of winter." I said leaning against my car.

"Fine then some Starbucks?"

I looked up at him, "Are you paying?"

"Anything for you sugar pie." He said getting in his car.

"Okay meet you there in 5."

We got to Starbucks and all I wanted was a pumpkin spice latte. Yeah that's right. I'm white and I'm proud.

Me and Dom sat in the corner of the café and talked until it was closing time.

When the barista finally kicked us out I gave Dom a hug goodnight and headed to my car.

I got home around 11:30. I didn't want to go upstairs. So I made myself some hot cocoa and sat by the fire. The Christmas tree light up the whole room. I just sat in front of the blinking lights and the flickering lights and thought. I thought about how these last few months have been.

Is this my karma for letting my turtle Sheldon die? Ohh wait that wasn't me. That was Josh. From Drake and Josh? Do you not get anything I'm saying today?

I sat by the fire and listened to the crackles. I had texted Sammy earlier asking her to come over.

There was a knock on the door. I didn't think she would be here so soon.

"It's open!" I yelled not wanting to get up.

"You know you could have just died? I could have been a murder for all you know." A familiar voice said.

"Ryder what do you want?" I said continuing to watch the fire.

"I want to be friends again. Me and the guys miss having you around. You kept us out of trouble." I scoffed.

"I did not."

"Damn. I knew that excuse wouldn't work."

"Plus I don't think we can ever be friends again. What you did was pretty harsh. I'm a big girl. I could have handled knowing that you had a girlfriend. But leading me on was not your best choice. Didn't you know I would find out eventually?"

"Yeah I was hoping you wouldn't." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ryder just get out. Sammy is going to be here any minute and she'll cut your balls off, make a smoothie with them, and then make you drink it if she sees you anywhere near me." I said pointing at the door.

"Okay." He said walking out the door.


Omg I haven't seen you guys since August! So as you can see I changed the title of the book. Also some major plot twists coming up. The book is just coming back to me and I'm so excited! I love all of you who were patient to enough to wait for me to come back. I can't wait to keep writing this book!

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