Chapter 2: Theater Starts..Problems Arise

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"Hi Maggie and Jenny!" I said. "Hey Claire!" they both said at the same time. Maggie and Jenny Harring are my best friends. We all love theater so much. They came to my house to pick me up for theater. They were driving me there and I was their ride home. "Hi Mr. Harring!" I said. "Hey Claire!" he responded excitedly. "Ready for theater?!" he said. "Heck yeah, I can't wait to see everyone" I responded. "Let's just go already!" exclaimed Maggie. I can't wait for the show.
Finally, we made it. I opened my car door and immediately already felt safe and at home. We opened the door, walked into the high school theater takes place at, and walked into the house (theater term). "Let's find Connor and Zach." said Jenny. "Yeah!" Maggie and I shouted. "I see them!" yelled Maggie. "Zach!" I loudly shouted. "Connor!" Jenny yelled. Maggie, Jenny, and I ran over to them in a rush of eagerness to see our best friends. "Hey guys!" said Connor. "We've missed you guys!" Maggie, Jenny, and I all said at once. "Are you guys ready for auditions?" asked Zach. "I'm never ready," i said "I'm always nervous for these things." "You'll be just fine..I just know it." Zach responded back. "Guys! They're about to call names!" Jenny squealed. Next thing I know one of our interns said, "Please line up in the following order: Zach, Connor, Maggie, Jenny, and Claire." She then continued on saying, "They will go individually first then the rest will follow in a new order." She ended with, "Remember to breathe it will be okay." "I guess I'm up." Zach said. "Good luck!" we all called out as he walked off to his audition. He is going to do great. I've known Zach for a year. That's long enough to know how talented he is. He will get a good role. I am just certain.

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