Chapter 1

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It was another busy day in the Wasp Hive. HiveWings and SilkWings were moving through the checkpoint. An unnatural ripple in the air hinted at a hidden dragon as she passed the HiveWing guards.

They sensed something but their stingers and nerve toxin were useless; the dragon already passed them. The walls of a tunnel she dove into were covered with posters, some of them about LeafWings, but most were WANTED posters, showing a blue SilkWing with black edges of her wings. The posters read:


A blue SilkWing with black edges of her wings, goes by Morpho.

Can turn invisible

Report any sightings of her to HiveWing authority IMMEDIATELY!

Reward: 1,000 scales and personal gratitude from Queen Wasp herself!

"Another one." Morpho muttered. When she accidentally showed up in Hornet Hive, she barely escaped HiveWings. And now, she was wanted all across Pantala! Deep breath. Nothing to be afraid about.

Morpho touched her fangs with her tongue. After all, she inherited four wings from her father, Swallowtail, and RainWing venom and the ability to camouflage herself from her mother, Dragonberry. Morpho galloped across the Wasp Hive, snatching bits of honey and fruit from the stalls.

Behind her, HiveWings roared and tried to catch her, but Morpho twisted away and flew out of Wasp Hive.

Morpho was flying across the savanna when strong claws seized her body and pulled her down. When Morpho looked at her scales, she discovered that she wasn't in the camouflage mode, which meant she was an easy target.

"Be more careful!" she scolded herself, then twisted her neck and shot venom at the dragon holding her. He let out a roar of pain and let go of her, but this time multiple talons pinned her to the ground. It was the last thing Morpho noticed before she was knocked out.

Morpho woke up and opened her eyes with a groan. She saw that she was lying in a small cave covered with greenery. Her wings were bound, and there was a rope of very sticky silk holding her mouth shut.

Across the cave were SilkWings that were gathered around another SilkWing with black splatters of venom across his body and wings. That should be the one I attacked, thought Morpho.

The SilkWings were pressing dayroot and silkgrass to his wounds, but it wasn't helping. Morpho heard a dragon say quietly "Goodness, that looks even worse than flamesilk! That must be a dangerous weapon. I wonder, how could it heal?".

The only way, Morpho thought, is to fly to the island, and get my mother to spray venom at my venom, but of course they don't know that.

Meanwhile, SilkWings crowded around her. "We are the Chrysalis", a yellow SilkWing began. "We heard about you, so we're helping you hide.". His words didn't stop the unfriendly looks other dragons were giving Morpho.

But when one of them released her from the bindings, Morpho immediately turned invisible. She had no reason to trust them, and she was better on her own than working with other dragons.

They didn't have venom and camouflage scales, so if she was caught because of them, it would be entirely their fault.

Meanwhile, the Chrysalis SilkWings began searching for her. Morpho winced as claws of a purple SilkWing tore through her wing membrane. "It will be hard to fly if I won't be able to find some honeyleaf bandages for it."

"She's over here!" shouted the purple SilkWing. At the same time, Morpho attacked her, shooting her venom at her face. The SilkWing screamed, and Morpho ducked underneath the wings of others and escaped into the tunnels leading out of the cave.

Morpho fled through the tunnels, SilkWings chasing her. She rounded a corner, and collided with something solid. She heard a male voice shout something to the Chrysalis SilkWings, before Morpho went unconscious. 

So... do you like this story? I hope you enjoyed the cliffhanger at the end!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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