Chapter 35

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Corey's Pov

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Corey's Pov

I hugged Zoey as she cried in my arms

"I don't want chu to go!"she said with her face buried into my chest

"I know...I know...everything is gonna be take of yourself aight?"I asked

She nodded as I wiped her tears

Ashton and Autumn just stared at us

"Come here"I said to them

They walked over to me as Autumn wiped her tears

"Ashton...when I'm gone...I'm gonna need you to be the man of the house...I need you to take care of your mom and your hear me?"I asked

He nodded

"I hear you"he said

I looked Autumn

"You take care of that baby...the most beautiful thing that comes out of life is your kid"I said

"Okay"she said as she rubbed her stomach

"And most importantly...take care of each is important... always remember that"I said

They nodded


I dapped the guys as Julian shook his head

"15-30...that's some bullshit"He said

"It could of been worst...I could of got 25 to life"I said

"Fuck you gone do in there for 15 years?"Dre asked

"Don't worry about that..aight..I wanna do one thing before I get booked"I said

"What's that?"Nesto asked

"Get Kevin"I said

"Oh yea"Dom said

"Ask Veronica if she gotta update on him so we can do this"I said


She hugged me and I hugged her back

" choking me"I said while smiling

"I just wanna hold you"she said while still hugging me

I just held her in my arms

"You know everything is gonna be okay..right?"I asked as she let me go

She shook her head no

"'s going away for years...what am I supposed to do without you?"she asked

I dug into my pocket and handed her a check

She looked at it and her eyes lit up

"2 million dollars!"she said

"Yea"I said

"Babe I can't take this"she said

"Yes you can and you will...I want chu take that..improve your business and triple it by the time I get home"I said

She smiled

"I love you"she said

"I love you too"I said

I kissed her and she kissed me back


I walked into the house to see Stacey sitting in the dining room and drinking wine and I always knew what that meant..she's stressing.

"What's wrong?"I asked

"Nothing"she said

"You know I was married to you for 18 years at a point in time right?"I asked

"So?"she asked

"I know you like the back of my can't lie to me"I said

A tear dropped from her eye but she quickly wiped it as I sat next to her

"15 to 30..what the fuck am I supposed to do without you..for 15 to 30 years?"she asked while crying

"Everything is gonna be okay"I said

"No it's can you sit there with a straight face and act like everything is gonna be fine...imma miss you...ya kids are gonna miss you...and ya baby on the way-

"Don't worry about that..aight...I'm always gonna be one phone call away"I said

I wiped her tears

"And you always come see me"I added

"I love you"she said

"I love you too"I said

I kissed her forehead

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