The signs as potatoes

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Aries: French fries (whoa lucky!)

Taurus: Potato soup (also lucky!)

Gemini: Potato chips (-anime school girl voice- whaaaa)

Cancer: Mashed potatoes (no way!)

Leo: Hash browns (Sugoi!)

Virgo: Waffle fries (that's a thing?!)

Libra: Potato salad (woooo we're a salad! [Other Libra's and me!])

Scorpio: Tater tots (potato tots!)

Sagittarius: Cheese fries (that's very CHEESY of you! -finger guns-)

Capricorn: Baked potatoes (I love potatoes!!!!)

Aquarius: Hot potato (hot potato, hot potato! Pass it around!)

Pisces: Loaded potatoes (Take Philip Schuyler the man is loaded! [I know you Hamilton fans are out there!])

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