Chapter 2 - Interns

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Today is Thursday and I'm heading my way to school.

Yeah, I'm still in school, living like a normal teenage girl who is going through high school like the rest of them.

I walked at the school hallways, going straight to my locker. Just as I was walking, I saw Becca, Becca Andrews.

She is walking down the hallway with two of her gothic friends, not that she is gothic or anything. She just really like hanging out with them. She is just that type of gal, Dark but actually really nice waaaaaaaay deep inside.

She saw me and looked away almost immediately. I mean I get it, we need to cover our identities but not even cracking a smile at each other in public, it's just ridiculous! But hey, it's the life we chose. We gotta stick to it or we'll get caught.

"OMG have you heard One Direction's leaked song? I swear whoever did this is a genius! I love being a directioner" the girl standing beside my locker shrieked.

Bleeding ears? Yes. But hey they're fangirls what do I expect?

I wish I could tell them who I am but I don't wanna risk on being caught and they wouldn't believe me anyway! They'll just be saying I'm making it up to get attention or shit like that.

I shut my locker close. I smiled at that girl and walked away to my next class. All I heard was "Who is she?", "I don't even know".

Computer class; my fave.

Just as I sat down my phone beeped. I checked my messages.

From; Andrews.

Boss wants us now!


Crap. I'll miss my fave class but like I said, it's the life we chose. Damn it.

I raised my hand to get my teacher's attention. "I'm sorry but I'm not feeling well. Can I just go to the nurse's office?"

My teacher excused me and I went out running down the hallways.

"There you are" I feel someone's hands on my shoulder, pulling my body back.

Just as I looked. "What's taking you so long?" It's Becca.

"I had to miss computer class" I sighed.

"And I had to miss gym, be serious! The boss just called." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the rusty black mini van, I followed behind.

"Hey girls" the two guys from yesterday.

What were their names?

"Hey fellas" I greeted.

"Scott, Joe" Becca greeted them.

"So, what's the situation? I thought we're done for the week" I sighed.

Scott and Joe look at each other. "We got a mission for you"

"An undercover mission" Joe added.

We stopped at a huge white mansion. Becca and I stare at the huge mansion.

"Welcome to the Boss' mansion!" Scott and Joe said in unison.

"Boss' mansion? You mean he lives in this gigantic castle?" I asked still in shock.

"Yeah he does" Scott answered.

"So we'll finally see the boss?" Becca asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm afraid not, girls. He doesn't want to see anyone at the moment" Joe said.

We both frowned. "Whatever so where we heading?" Becca suddenly being her serious self again.

"Meeting room. Right this way" Scott and Joe lead us the way.

The meeting room is huge! Probably had like 40 seats here and a huge screen, we sat at the front of the screen.

They started switching off the lights then they turn on the projector.

"Your mission is to be interns in the Syco management"

"Whoa" I blurted.

"Interns?" Becca asked.

"Yes, interns. You are the two of the hundredth chosen interns who applied and got the job. So you HAVE NOT MET ONE ANOTHER am I clear?"

"Crystal." I breathed out.

Becca just nodded.

"Here's some information of Syco's management biggest hit. It's called One Direction."

Scott showed us the information of each boys. So, the curly one is Harry Styles, the brown haired guy is Louis Tomlinson, the black haired guy is Zayn Malik. I've never seen this one, brown short hair in a quiff, Liam Payne. And Niall Horan..

Why does that name sounds familiar?

One of the rules in Syco's management is don't fangirl when you meet the boys.


"The boss wants the Album that they're currently making"

"Wait what? I thought we leaked Diana for the boss already."

"Indeed you did but one of the producers found out that Diana's been leaked, now they're extremely careful and protective of the rest of the songs that they just recorded"

"Be interns, get album, quit, leave, reward, vacation. Got it!"

"To avoid suspicion, you both have to be interns for months. It's as long as your internship ends."

"So 2 months tops?" Becca asked.

"Could be" they both answered.

"Or is it 6 months?" I sighed.

"As long as you think you're not gonna get caught after the album is leaked." Scott stated.

"When does the boss wants it?" Becca asked.

"Preferably before next year"

"That's long." I whined, "That's 9 months from today."

"Exactly" Becca breathed out.

"He gave you 9 months to finish the job, is it all good?" Scott said, not wasting any time.

"I'm down, what about you beccs?" I smirked.

She rolled her eyes after I called her beccs. "If Sanders in, I'm in"

"Perfect." They smugly grinned.

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