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You wake up and call Kuro to wake him up.
+Kuro. Good morning! Time for school,sadly. I'll be there in 10 minutes!
She is more energetic than ever, happy for her.
~You're walking towards Kuro's house~
Mhmm is that Kenma-kun? Wuu there is a girl next to her. Looks like Tomoe from the back. Nah, she can't be.
~Kuro comes out of the house~
-Ahh, good morning y/n.
+Hi, Kuro.
-I'm s.....
~you kiss Kuro~
~Kuro blushes and kisses you back~
~Hugges you~
-Shhhhhhh! Did you forgive me?
-Should we go to school now?
~You two walk towards Nekoma~
+Bye Kuro.
-Bye bye y/n.

-Y/n-chan you look so happy.
+As you said! He kissed me backk!!
-Wow! Really?!
-Happy for you!
+I also saw a girl looking like you but from the back.
-I tought I was the only person whose 'being crazy' level is this high.
+Me too lol.
-Where did you saw her?
+She was walking down the street with Kenma.
+It was you!
+You have a secret relationship!!
+You sureee?
+Lol give up.
-Ok. Yes I have a relationship with Kenma so what!?

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