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Name: Nellie Thurston

Age: 35

Occupation: Nellie used to work in a local music store. She likes music of all kinds, folk music, rap music, rock music, classical music, you name it. Now she works in a small coffee shop called Auntie Beak's Coffee.

Marital status: She's single, She looks around on occasion, but never seems to find anyone.

Appearance: Nellie is not very tall, but not short either, and she's got a thin, petite frame in her shoulders, with big, round hips. She's got hazel eyes and straight, dark blonde hair held back in a bun with a black headband, and she normally wears a brown sweater with dark blue jeans, with gray sneakers. She also tends to look ragged and worn on some days from working late hours, and other days she looks like her bright eyed and optimistic self.

Super powers (if any): Uh, no sorry. She's just a regular duck.

Weaknesses: Her vision isn't too good, she can't see more than two feet in front of her, so she needs glasses, but she doesn't wear them as often as she should because she's self conscious. She would shake the hand of the duck who created contact lenses.

Personality: Optimistic, and energetic mostly, she has days where she's cranky, and even a little mean spirited. She's creative, and adventurous, but lazy sometimes. She loves meeting people and making new friends (but not before a cup of coffee). She has no trouble sticking up for herself, and would gladly do so for someone else.

Character background: Nellie grew up with her younger brother, Arnie, and her parents on a farm. Soon after Nellie had turned 30, she moved to St. Canard to start a new life for herself, and to celebrate her 30th birthday. She had heard all about the kinds of things that happened in the city, and moved right on in, in an apartment complex with her guitar, her dog, and a positive outlook. Soon she landed a job in a local music store where she shows customers around and tells them about the instruments, and (hopefully) sells them. She of course now goes to work at Auntie Beak's

Other info: Nellie's full name is Penelope Agatha Thurston. She needs glasses, but she doesn't use them. Her favorite food is a grilled tuna melt.

Crush: Doctor Bushroot

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