Author introduction!

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First of all, thanks to you for taking your time to read this!..
It means alot. Ever single one of you.
But first, lets get to know you,
The reader in all this!
For the story,
Your a female, your quirk is slow-down. Aka you can make any object slow down by just staring at it.
As a example say someone as todoroki using his ice part of his quirk, if you were to look at him he would move 50x slower than normal, including everything he is doing around him,
His ice would slow down too. If he were to drop something that would too, since it was in correlation with him.

More about you!,
For this story you will be fair skinny and petite (sorry readers that dont fit this requirement),
You are around the same height as deku yet about 4 inches smaller.
Okay, sorry for the little chit chat, lets get on with the story!

[ Shy affection ] Midoriya X Shy!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now