Pt. 2: The Competition

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Previously on The Tale of Two Wolves(Aaron X Blaze), Aaron was just about to spend time with Aphmau and her friends, but Mr. Gavin interrupted to make Aaron a tour guide of the school for a new student named Blaze who is a Sophomore and in the end, Aaron and Blaze have a rivalry for being School Alpha Male. What will happen next? Find out now.

Friday, Aaron was waking up from a bad dream and suddenly realized that there was school. So, he got up, took a shower, wore his uniform, packed his things for school, went down the stairs, took his breakfast, said goodbye to his mom, and ran going to school. He arrived on time just before class was about to start. He asked his schedule for today, and saw a suprising person that he knows. He also asked for his schedule and both were suprised to see each other again and their was one class that they will attend to at the same time. Both were angry to see each other in Werewolf Class and that they were ready for the competition for Alpha Male. They parted ways, heading to their class. Aaron was supposedly as his first class is Lunch. So, he was suprised to go the canteen and see Aph and the others at a table.

Aar: Oh! Lunch is my first class again. Hopefully Aph and the others are there.(Goes to the canteen and sees Aph)
Aar: Hey guys!😆😆😆
Aph and the others: AARON!😆😆😆
Aar: Didn't expect you guys would be here.
Aph: You too.
Kat: Here, take a seat.
Zan: Uh. This is my se-😫
Kat: Here, have a seat.(Looks at Zane and then this, 😡😤)
Aar: Thanks Katelyn.
Kaw: Hi Aaron-Kun! Kawaii-Chan is excited again because Aaron-Kun is eating with us again.
Lau: Yeah, I agree.
Gar: Yeah. I mean, Mr. Gavin did break the conversation.
Aph: Yeah. Why is he always appearing out of nowhere.
Aar: I don't know. Anyways, let's eat.
Aph and the others: LET'S EAT!

So they ate lunch together and they had time to talk about things. A few minutes later, the school bell rang and they parted ways. Aphmau was getting the obstacle course for the competition of School Alpha Male, Katelyn and Kawaii-Chan were going to Art Class, Garroth, Laurence, and Zane went to Music Class, and Aaron was going to Werewolf Class, where he expects Blaze to be in the class. And yet so, he was there.

Aar: There he is. Oh, I can't wait to beat him and remain School Alpha Male, and have that punishment given to him.
Bla: There he is. Oh, I can't wait to beat him and be the New School Alpha Male, and give him that punishment.

They both sat on their chairs and the other wolves just come in and Mr. Gavin walked in the room.

Mr. Gav: Ok class. I hope that you know that today is the Competition for School Alpha Male. Where Aaron, the defending and current School Alpha Male, will be challenged by one wolf who will have a fight with him to gain the title of New School Alpha Male, and The Winning School Alpha Male can choose the Omega of the School.
Everyone then talks about the event of getting the title of School Alpha Male, and none were afraid to challenge Aaron. The school bell rang and everyone went to the field and saw the obstacle course created by Aphmau. Aphmau, tired, was huffing and puffing, and was ready to announce the event.

Aph: Welcome everyone to the event for the Competition of School Alpha Male. This will be a challenging event for every wolf that wants to challenge the current Alpha Male, Aaron. Every wolf, let's get ready to win or lose.
So the competition begins. Many wolves failed for the qualifying, few wolves failed for the semi-finals, three wolves failed for the finals, and one was just able to reach the final challenge.
Aph: Welcome back everyone to the event and we have ourselves a lucky wolf that will the current school Alpha Male, Aaron. Wolves, let's get ready to rumble. On my right corner, we have the lucky wolf who was able to reach this far and the challenger, Blaaaze. And on my left corner, we have the strongest person in the school who was able to defend his title for 45 times, and current Alpha Male, Aaron Lycan. Okay boys, I want a fair race. Whoever wins the race is the new or current Alpha Male. On your mark, get set, Go!😆
(Time skip to the winner)
Aph: What a suprising race. It was close to decide who was the winner. But, according to Wolf Rules and Regulations, we take Aaron and Blaze as the new Alpha Males of the school.
After the event, everyone headed home and Aaron and Blaze were decided as Alpha Males. But, they weren't done yet. Both of them headed to the park to talk about something. What could this be? Find out in the next part.

Hey everyone! It's me again, Love!Sans, here for this part. So, yeah. I did a time skip of the race where we are going to expect either Aqron or Blaze is the Alpha Male, but they were both Alpha Males. And yet I left you guys on a cliffhanger(don't take it literally) on why did Aaron and Blaze go to the park, and what were they going to talk about. If you don't remember, then I'll tell you. In the first part, when Blaze wanted to beat the current Alpha Male, Aaron, Aaron made a deal with him. They whispered it and they both agree to the deal. In the next part, you will now the deal that they were talking about. Anyways, if you have something to tell about this book or part, please do comment on what you think about it. I'll be looking forward to what you say. That's it for this part. See you in the next part.

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