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[Requests/suggestions are currently open]

Hello, welcome to my artbook! You can suggest stuff here, and most likely, I will draw it! You can suggest ideas of all sorts. The only time I will close requests/suggestions is when I get too many of them, but I will lay down a few rules for you real quick.

《 (∩❍‿‿❍)⊃━☆゚.* 》

I will not draw anything smutt-ish [Ex. Porn, Sex, etc.]
I am never comfortable in drawing anything of the sort, so I will not allow it.

Gore will be okay [Ex. Gutspills, excessive blood, etc.]
I will give a warning incase you wish to not see them

Do not rush me
I have a life to live, too, despite commonly being at home.

Don't complain [Ex. "Ick, your artstyle sucks, why did you draw this?"]
I don't want to deal with complaints. You either like it and comment positively about it or hush up and leave. Enough said. It's different if the comment has ways to improve.

You don't have to suggest just art requests
I want to be a writer on here, too, but I never know what to write, so suggestions are recommended. :)

《 (∩❍‿‿❍)⊃━☆゚.* 》

That's about everything. Any other questions? Just let me know in the comments!

《• ☆ Stay the star you are, and see you in another chappie ☆ •》

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