Prompt #1

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Alright, it's the start of the day and everyone only has about half an hour to eat and get ready before the two groups go on another mission together. There have been sightings of vampire soldiers in a specific area and the BSC wants the Alpha Squad and the Beta Squad to take care of them. They'll be joined by Officer Forz just so he can see how everyone is doing, skill wise. This should be an easy mission for the two best squads but still don't underestimate anything. Make sure you work together as a team instead of two separate groups otherwise things will not go well.

There are two big rooms, one for the boys of the Beta and Alpha Squads and one for the girls of those two squads. Everyone has their own bed but they are bunk beds. The rooms are almost right next to each other with a thick wall in between for privacy. They don't have much in them except for a bathroom, a big dresser for all of their clothes, a desk and chair, and a few trinkets here and there. They do live in those rooms basically so they have a few things to make it unique and homey.

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