Mordex The Vital Werewolf

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Ferion: So... Harley is it ok your in charge for the management?

Harley: Why not? I can do it for you..

Ferion: Thanks Harley..

Harley: Your welcome.

Ferion: *leaves the place*


Artemis: Where's Ferion?

Ragnir: He just get his stuff...

Artemis: Mordex Challenge Ferion next 3 days...

Ragnir: He just a Werewolf... He just lose twice now..

Mordex: Who said I lost twice!

Ragnir: Mordex I know you lost twice..

Mordex: You Loser!

Ragnir: No your the Loser I beat you since last week..

Mordex: Just shut up you pricking dragon!

Ragnir: mind you own business you cute puppy!

Mordex: Gaaah! *leaves*

Artemis: what a champ...

*outside of the cabin*

Ferion: Thanks Gnash for the directions...

Gnash: No probs New Legend *Walk*

Mordex: *slam door and walk raging*

Ferion: what the...

Mordex: Stay away from me *push Ferion*

Ferion: *knock* Geez he's angry.. *opens door*

Artemis: Ferion?

Ferion: Yes??

Artemis: Come in... *signal*

Ferion: oh ok... *gets inside*

Artemis: Welcome to our cabin.. I guess...

Ferion: Cool!

Artemis: My name is Artemis.. Right there is Ragnir *points*

Ragnir: Sup...

Ferion: Ummm nice to meet you I guess...

Ragnir: Mordex is gonna challenge you someday... Be prepared.

Ferion: ok *sit down*

Artemis: So Ferion your gonna be a Legend in your childhood days?

Ferion: Maybe... On my childhood days Im bad at my weapon choice... Then suddenly someone came to help me.

Artemis: oh really?

Ferion: Yes now I became a Legend...

Artemis: Good! Now its your time to shine!

Ferion: Yeah!

Teros: *knocks door* Who want to challenge me!

Ferion: I...

Ragnir: I got this catch ya later! *Goes out*

Ferion: Aww...

Artemis: You have a challenge request from Mordex so you cant challenge from someone...

Ferion: oh ok...

Asuri: *open door a bit* Can I join to the Party!?

Artemis: Sure come in!

Asuri: *comes in* Ey Artemis what's your new Apprentice??

Artemis: No is a new Legend...

Asuri: A new Legend!? *run and stop front of Ferion* What's your name?

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