>Lost In Space<

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Summary: Theyre..... lost in space... and Keith goes kinda space mad
Warning: Season seven spoilers kinda oof not really it's the same situation but different dialogue n shit
Wc: 800
A/N: I'm tryna work on these more, leave suggestions or requests if ya want :P

Lance POV




"I hate this." The Cuban boy groaned, shifting his arms so he was more comfortable. Lance had one arm looked through Allura's and the other hooked with Hunk's. Allura looked over at him when he moved and gave him a death glare.

A little timer went off in Keith's helmet for the third time, but it felt like the millionth. "Everyone sound off." He mumbled.

"Pidge here."

"Allura here."

"Hunk here."

"Lance?" Pidge squeaked from over by Keith.

"Lance." The black paladin growled. "Sound off!" He snapped angrily.

"Lance here." The red paladin yawned. "Sorry, Keith... I'm just really.... tired..."

Allura looked over, best she could, to the half asleep Lance and kicked him in the shin. "Do not go to sleep, Lance. You're dehydrated and hungry and might not wake up if you go to sleep..."

A minute of silence. "Lance?" Hunk let go of Keith's arm to look at his friend.

"Hunk? What's wrong?"

"He's asleep. Oh no. Lance! Bud wake up come on." Hunk started shaking him, attempting to wake him up. Hunk was about to shake the boy again but Keith let go of Pidge's arm and floated over to them.

He grabbed Lance's hand and looked at him sadly. In a split second he had turned angry, letting go of Lance's hand and grabbing his head. "You idiot!" He shouted at Lance. "You should've stayed awake god damnit!" The black paladin was taking shaky, deep breaths as he stared at the red Paladin's body.

"Keith... calm down. Please." Allura whimpered, trying to pull Lance closer to herself.

"No." Keith growled, his head snapping up to stare at her. "I will not calm down. I'm stranded in space with no supplies and no lions! Now Lance is probably dead and I'm still stuck with you three!"

"Keith-" Pidge tried, only to get cut off.

"I'm stuck with a coward, a little kid, and the girl who still stole Lance away from me after she toyed with his feelings." He screamed, tears finding their way down his face now. "I don't need you guys. I don't even need Lance anymore. He already hates me what's the point of sticking around." Keith shook his head and started floating off, using his jet pack.

Somebody grabbed his ankle, stopping him. Looking back he saw it was Pidge. The green paladin pulled him back, not letting go. "We need each other, Keith! We're a team. No matter who 'hates' who! Lance never hated you."

"I'm sorry for stealing him away from you, Keith... I didn't know... and I-" Allura sighed, looking at Lance in her arms. "I don't even like him like that. He just pines after me hopelessly I guess...."

"It still doesn't change the fact we're stranded in space." Hunk piped up, fiddling with his fingers.

Keith sighed, going over to Allura and Lance. The raven haired leader took Lance's hand again, staring at him sadly once again. He took Lance from Allura's arms, holding him against himself. He let the tears fall as he hugged Lance goodbye. He couldn't let go now, no matter how hard he tried.

The team reformed their group, Hunk, Pidge, and Allura holding each others arms with Keith clinging onto lance in the middle, back pressed against Pidge's.

"Hey, Keith?" Allura whispered, trying to look back at Keith.

The black paladin looked up from where his head rested on Lance's shoulder, the red paladin's back against Keith's chest. He let out a little hum as response before sniffling and blinking away more tears.

"Are we going to sound off?"

"Whatever... what's the point...." he mumbled, going back to his original position.

"Allura here."

"Pidge here."

"Hunk here."

"...Keith here.."

There was a pause of silence and then a yawn, followed by "Lance here."

Keith didn't move, once he realized it was Lance's voice he just tightened his grip. "You fucking scared me half to death!" Keith whined, only moving his head to glare up at Lance.

"Why? All I did was take a nap!" Lance chuckled, not knowing what to do about his situation. "Also, why are you hugging me so tight? Or hugging me in general?"

"Because I love you ya god damn idiot!" Keith yelled, finally letting go of Lance only to whack him upside the head. He realized what he said and paused. "If any of you tell Shiro I'm breaking your legs."

"What? Why?" Pidge squeaked, still chuckling from Keith's freak out.

"Because he said once I find someone I love he's going to give me... the talk. And I don't want that." Keith shook his head aggressively. "Especially from Shiro. Adam, maybe."

"Okay I won't tell." Lance, who still hasn't moved from Keith, promised. "And Keith?"


"I love you too, doofus."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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