A new level of trust

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You and Natsu walk silently hand in hand to your apartment which is just over a block from the school. When you get there you take a deep breath and unlock the door. You both enter and he places your backpack down by the door.

"So. This is my place. It's small but it works. Sorry there isn't much but it's something." You say shyly as you walk into the living room. "I don't tend to focus on materialistic stuff. I just stick with the basics. I do have a tv and game system. We can watch movies on Netflix and I can order pizza." You offer and he smiles and nods.

"Sounds great to me." He says and sits on the couch. You grab your phone and order pizza while he browses movies on Netflix.

"Ok. The pizza should be here in about a hour. Find anything good?" You ask

"Nah. Nothing really." He says and puts the controller down. "You feeling better now?" He asks softly

"Actually yeah. I know I'm safe with you so I'm ok." You say with a blush and he blushes as well. "Thank you again by the way. I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"Don't worry about it. I know it's hard to trust people. I'm not taking it personally. I'm just glad now you know you can trust me." He says with a smile. You smile back and look at the tv.

"Let's find something to watch before the pizza comes." You say as your grab the controller.
"hmmm..." you hum as you browse the movies.
"How about Ghost House?"

"A horror movie? Are you sure?" He asks while looking at you with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah. I like paranormal movies. They don't bother me to much."

"To much." He mocks and you slap his arm and he laughs. Just then the pizza arrives

"Perfect timing." You say as you go answer the door. You get the pizza and pay for it and go back to the couch. You both dig in and play the movie.
The movie had a few jump scenes but nothing bad. When the movie was over Natsu looked at you in amazement.

"They really don't bother you huh?" He says.

"Told you. I like paranormal stuff. It's more fascinating than scary to me." You say with a smile.

"So I guess the guys scary movie trick doesn't work on you huh?" Natsu says with a chuckle

"Scary movie trick?" You ask and he rolls his eyes

"You know where they play a scary movie to get you to jump into their arms."

"Oh! Nah won't work on me." You say with a laugh and browse more movies. "Here pick one you think will be super scary and we will see if it works"

Natsu just laughs and browses the movies. He picks some random movie and plays it. You sit there and watch the movie and roll your eyes. It looks so boring. Then when it gets closer to the end it starts getting suspenseful and you feel yourself getting immersed in it and then a jump scene causes you to yelp and jump onto Natsu. Which causes him to laugh.

"Guess you can get scared after all." He teases as he wraps his arms around you and you bury your face in his chest. You listen and wait to move until the movie is over then you get up feeling embarrassed.

"Sorry. Guess there's movies that can even get me scared." You say sheepishly.

"No worries. I enjoyed the movie." He says with a grin

"I bet you did." You tease and get up. "Bed time." You say with a yawn and a stretch. "Oh, crap. I don't have extra blankets and pillows." You say as you slap your forehead with your palm.

"It's ok. I can just sleep with you." Natsu says with a cheeky grin. You roll your eyes.

"Of course you'd say that."

Invisible (Natsu X Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now