explaining shiz

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Hey there everyone who actually reads this! :D

I just wanted to say, I am extremely sorry for the whole no updates thing. Like I said in the last part, I had minimal to no wi-fi whatsoever and it was difficult for me to even write a whole part on my phone. Not to mention, I used over twenty GB of mobile data in total trying to update and keep up with everything. So, yeah that happened. And once I got to the house that had beautiful wi-fi, I couldn't really use it because I was worn out every SINGLE day because of all the walking around and rides we went on/did.

Like I said in a sent-to-followers message, I will update one more chapter of Completely Normal and then I'll continue with my regular update schedule.(I DON'T THINK I SPELLED THAT RIGHT....SHIT) So, YUP that's about it.

Oh no, wait. Okay, so I wanted to address this to you guys also;

I am currently having family issues right now. My parents just had another major fight today and that's partially why I chose today to finish my update up. So, that being said, I may not be updating a shit ton like I would like to. I'm too caught up inbetween this stuff.

I just wanted to give you the overall of what's been going on. Also, I was an emotional wreck when Sly left. I know it's not that big of a deal (YOU CAN STILL WATCH HIM YOU STUPID IDIOT) but it was to me because *insert explaination here about how I watched him before he became a Creature*

So yeah. It's been kinda rough these past few months :/

ANYWAY, I'm gonna go now. I told y'all what I wanted/needed to get out/tell you, so I'll just go now.

Until next time,

~Hyper :P

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