Sad story name ideas

335 7 8

(Requested by AvantAmour)

-these (insert word, for example, "distant") tears
-lonely, (this) lonely soul/heart/etc
-I walk a lonely road/walking a lonely road
-(the) silent scream
-tears of an angel/demon/etc
-if you love me, let me go
-our/my one escape
-my (inner) demons
-(my) depression
-(I'm) suffocating
-(me and my) broken (heart)
-lost/broken/etc love
-forever in my heart
-I miss you/(when [I'm]) missing you
-forgive me (for being so blind/etc)
-I forgive you
-these wounds don't/won't (seem to) heal
-this pain is just too real/the real kind of pain/true pain
-time cannot erase my love/mistake(s)/etc
-when I was yours/when you were mine
-I wish you would just leave
-(true) tears come from the heart, not from the brain
-(no)/(a) shoulder to cry on
-I'm okay/it will (all) be okay
-empty inside
-hiding my heart/love/hurt/etc
-just smile
-(soldier with a) battle wound(s)/scar(s)
-waste of space
-the (suicide) note
-baloney speaker
-everything is blue
-a sadness runs through her/him/them
-after the war/battle/fight/etc
-cascading tears
-When the tears run dry/down
- (I'm) falling apart/to pieces

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