Chapter Fifteen

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The apartment was empty when Evie and I got back from our meeting with Richard. I knew that Max had left to go to visit a relative but I didn’t know where the Feds had gone. 

“Jenna and Collins are with Assistant Director Shepherd,” explained Evie when she caught my puzzled look. “HQ is trying to figure out how he found out that you’re working with the FBI.”

“He delivered the invitation to the HQ?” I asked, sinking down on the couch.

Evie fiddled with her ring uneasily. “Yes, Gabriel St. Clair sent a courier to deliver the invitation. We received it yesterday. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to involve you. 

“So what happened? To change your mind?" 

“Shepherd’s keen for you to go. I gather that the higher-ups are getting impatient with our lack of progress.”

We were both quiet then. Having studiously been ignoring the elephant in the room the entire time, I finally decided that enough was enough. I was just going to come out and say it. “I want to go. 

“I thought you might say that,” said Evie, sadly.

 “Mr Bowers says that I’ll be okay for the dinner right? So there’s no reason for me not to go.”

Evie sat down next to me and smoothen my hair. “I’m proud of you, my dear girl. You’ve been my brave so far. But meeting Gabriel St. Clair is something else entirely. I can’t stop you if you want to go but are you certain that you want this?”

I didn’t want to do this. But I needed to do it anyway. If I wanted closure, I was going to have to face him. 

“I’m going to do it,” I replied. I noticed that my hands were shaking, like they had been at the trial. And like back then, I clasped them together to hide my nerves. “Do you have the invite? I want to see it.”

Evie produced her phone instead. “I have a photograph of it but the actual invitation is still in the office.”

I took the phone from her. The invitation was in the form of a letter, written on a thick piece of paper that was watermarked with the St. Clair Corporation logo.


Dear Emily,

It’s been a while since I last saw you and our circumstances have changed since then. I am no longer a murder suspect and you are no longer a witness.

I’ve thought about contacting you many times before this but I haven’t for various reasons. I understand from my associates that you are now working with the Federal Bureau. You’re either very brave or very imprudent to work on a case that involves your sister’s murderer. I must say the Bureau must be desperate to involve you in such a way.

In any case, I believe that we have a lot to talk about. Do join me for dinner on Friday so that we can talk. I have made a reservation at The Society for 7 p.m. If you wish, you may bring along a friend or two from the Bureau.

I look forward to catching up with you.



There was something seriously wrong with Gabriel St. Clair. I couldn’t understand what kind of tone he was trying for. He was writing as if we were two old friends that wanted to catch up with each other but at the same time, the tone of the letter seemed to be mocking me. 

What did he want from me? His behavior was so out of the realm of normal for him. Did this letter mean that we were getting somewhere with our investigation or was he was just trying to get into my head?

Between the Spirit and the Dustحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن