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My first day of real school flew by even though i was constantly being harassed by a weird kid named Titus. So as soon as the bell rang i was the first to leave the class room not only to find my brother so i could go home and because i don't get stuck in an awkward hand holding moment with my so called best friend.

I looked through the halls trying to find the nearest exit preparing myself for the long walk home that no one told me I had to partake in. Yeah I should've known because my brother, this super popular Athlete at the school has football practice after school. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. Yet I'm here Vince's loser sister. Considering the fact that I have no idea how to get home I had to get away from this cringe excuse of the school, so I started my way down the long sidewalk on the side of the school. Hopefully I see something more familiar along the way.

"Perhaps you might enjoy my assistance showing you around town!?"Ember shouted from down the side walk running to catch up to me. "Or maybe we could just hang out?"

She stopped beside me gasping for air."I don't think I have enough breath the take you around town so scratch that." She huffed.

"I wouldn't mind that at all." I laughed intertwining our arms.

After half an hours looking for something that looked familiar I finally found my house I've never been so tired in my life with Ember on my heels we walked through the door to be greeted by a peppy mom. Is gonna be so embarrassing.

"Oh honey your home? I thought you'd stay after with Vince." She looked worried but then she saw Ember. "You've brought a friend over? Oh gosh please come in. Nice to meet you I'm Wynters mom. I'm so happy she's brought a friend over I really thought this year would be diff-"

I had to stop her before she completely outted me.

"Mom I think we're just gonna go upstairs and hangout" it felt awkward coming out of my mouth considering I've never done this before. Back were I'm from it's just been me and dad.

"Wow your mom seems really nice!" Ember commented after we climbed the stairs.

"Yeps that's my dear ole mom." I laughed nervously at my own joke.We ascended the stairs walking into my small roof top room.

"Wow your rooms way cuter than mine" Ember giggles then starts to take off her bag and jacket. "Well of course it is I have to share a room with my two younger sisters"

My eyes widen I kinda wish I had a larger family Not just Vince a super famous football star at the highs and Tiffany a little "sister" that hated my guts for breathing the same air as her.

"That's cool too I bet there never a dull moment" I missed those type of family memories.

"Yeah it's exhausting but I wouldn't want to have it any other way. Even thought my siblings can be a bit much." She walked around my room and out on my small balcony. "Believe it or not it gets pretty lonely not having someone old enough to vent to except for my brother but he's a real joke actually and such a demented jock"

I could practically feel her eyes roll. "I know what you mean" I laughed and threw my pack in the closet. "I think my brothers become a real joke too."

"You have a brother?" She looked so confused

"Yeah. And a stepsister." Kinda felt like we've had this conversation before but whatever I guess. "Vince and Tiffany"

Wynter Chills Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora