Chapter 21

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“So, where’s Mr. Dark and Brooding?” Rishi questioned as I sat down, frowning at him. His teeth flashed into a white grin and I shrugged.

                “Uhm, I’m not his keeper. He can do whatever the hell he likes.” I empty my bag lunch on the table, pulling my peanut butter sandwich from the wrapper.

                “I don’t think I’ve ever heard I guy’s girlfriend say that. Ever.” He shook his head, locking eyes with Danny. “Have you?”

                “I wouldn’t be ok with it.” Her expression soured.

                “You’re missing one detail.” I muttered crossly, picking a piece off my sandwich.

                “What?” Rishi quirked an eyebrow.

                “I’m not?”

                “Uh huh.”

                “He’s my friend.” I pointed out.

                “That’s a boy.”

                “Uhm. Yea?”

                “You hang out with him.”


                “You never hang out with anyone.”

                “That’s because you guys are idiots.” I retorted, peevishly tearing at the bread.

                “No, it’s because you want in his pants.” I nearly choked on my sandwich, glaring at Rishi.

                “Do not.”

                “It’s ok, no need to be ashamed.”

                “Rishi leave her alone.” Danny narrowed her hazel eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender.

                “Yea ok.” His mouth spread into a devilish grin that made me want to slam my head against the table.

                “Gabe’s staring at us.” Charlie sang, blue eyes glittering. She had had a crush on Gabe since the second grade and hadn’t made it much of a secret. My eyes flickered towards his group where he was staring and I lazily let my eyes wander back to the group.

                “Yea, so?” I ran my index finger over my knuckles, remembering the feel of his nose snapping against my fist. Thinking about it set my blood on fire and an angry rush of adrenaline spiked through my system.

                “Think he’s looking for round two?” Rishi smirked and I scowled at him, hugging my arms to my chest, suddenly not so hungry.

                “It’s the first day back from break.” I mumbled.

                “You just made my point.”

                “Do you take anything seriously?” Danny snapped, stabbing her spoon into a pudding cup peevishly. Rishi’s face drained of expression, eyes flattening.

                “Yes, yes I do.”

                “That’s pretty good.” Charlie waved her fork around, puckering her mouth. “Hm. I give you an eight and a half.”

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