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Hey guys! So if you are reading this, know that this is my first attempt at a book/ long story so sorry if it doesn't sound very good! But anyway, comment and tell me what you think. If you like it, I will post more! so anyway, hope you enjoy!


        Jonah King walked through the busy streets of Chicago in 1982. The rambling city noises soothed him like no other thing could; they had since he was a child. He briefly remembered being wrapped up in his mother’s arms, gazing out of the large window that overlooked the moon-lit city. He recalled his mother’s scent of jasmine, and how no matter where she went, the fresh floral scent would never fade.  

She would whisper to him, “Quiet now, Jonah, listen real close. You hear the sounds of the city down there? Those are my favorite sounds on the whole planet, you know why?” It was here where she would pause and wait for his answer.

“Why mama?” Jonah would faithfully reply.

“Well, because every horn, every car rushing by, represents a single drop of hope. One noise by it’s self may seem annoying and useless, but when you put all of them together, you create a beautiful symphony that no one can ever destroy.” 

She had told Jonah this same thing thousands of times, and for some reason she thought he needed to hear it everyday. Jonah’s mother always was the dreamer of the family. She relied on hope and faith for every decision she made in life, and she made sure to rub it off on him, too. 

His mother would sit him in her favorite chair at night, which she called her “miracle chair”. It was a victorian beauty, dark green velvet with long curved cherry-red wooden handles. The chair had always looked out of place in their very modern condo. They would sit there for a half an hour and reflect on the miracles God had provided them that day. She taught him that there were always miracles, no matter how small they appeared to be. 

Jonah reflected on how simple minded he had been as a child, believing that if you just had a little faith, anything was possible. But one day, Jonah woke up and was forced to face reality like his mother never could. That horrible night of the accident...

Jonah shook is head, not today. If he let his emotions overwhelm him, and this deal went south, his career would be over. 

Jonah rounded the corner into the damp alley he took to get to the office. This part of his walk always made him wary, because it was when all sounds of the outside city were cut off, as well as the only source of hope he had left. As the noises faded away, a dark chill crept up his back, making him stop immediately in cold recognition. That feeling, it was unmistakable, someone was following him.

He spun around, and found himself looking down the barrel of a charcoal-black gun. Fear and adrenaline began pumping in his blood, and before he even had time to think, Jonah grabbed the gun from a man in a black trench coat, tuned it on him, and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the man directly in the head, the perfect shot, his instructor would have said. Although at that moment, Jonah felt that it was anything but the perfect shot.

The man crumpled to the ground as Jonah dropped the gun and fled towards the light of the city, guilt gnawing at the back of his mind. He had never felt pleasure in killing people as his subordinates had. Shaking his head once again, he tried to clear his mind of his incredibly unpleasant memories and focus on the light ahead of him. Much to his horror, Jonah began to hear footsteps pounding behind him.

He muttered a curse under his breath, there must have been more guys than the one he killed.

Without slowing down, Jonah turned his head, and in shock, he saw that there weren’t any other men.  The only one in Jonah’s pursuit was none other than the man that he had just shot in the head. With a rise of nausea, Jonah noticed that where there should have been blood seeping out of a fatal bullet wound, there only remained a black and purple golfball sized bruise.

“What the...” He stuttered, but before he could finish his sentence, a loud BANG exploded from the man’s newly recovered gun. 

As agonizing pain exploded in his back, Jonah heard a faint “I’m so sorry,” escape the lips of the man in the dark coat.

Pain like he had never felt before ripped through his whole body, and for the briefest of moments, all Jonah could think was that the bullet must have gone straight through his heart. He smelled Jasmine for what he knew was the last time, then everything went numb, and very, very, black.

“Is it done?” The old man croaked, “Is he gone?”

“Yes, sir” Tony replied, his voice catching a little. He rubbed his head from where the bullet had bounced off at extreme force. He remembered the terrified look on the somewhat innocent man’s face as Tony pulled the trigger...

“You having second thoughts, soldier?” The old man said when he noticed Tony’s solemn manor.

“No sir, it’s just that...”

“because I will be more than happy to put your darling little family in the ground if you feel like quitting.”

Tony’s thoughts of the dead Jonah King were replaced by images of his wife and kids with wide, scared eyes. No doubt they would be tied up as a Dark Suit trained a gun on them. With an almost annoying wave of reality, he realized that he didn’t have any say in the matter at all. 

“Focused as ever, sir.” Tony replied with renewed confidence. 

“Good, good”, the old man cooed in a voice that made Tony want to punch him.

He swallowed the rising temptation and said, “I’ve had some other Dark Suits corrode and dump his body in the ocean”

“Did the scientists make the trunk as I asked?”

“Yes sir.”

“And the DNA will still be retrievable?” 

“Yes, sir.”

“Good”, the old man repeated and leaned back on the leather couch with closed eyes and a satisfied smile. 

Tony, however, wasn’t satisfied. He couldn’t help the nagging feeling of curiosity in his stomach. He knew that what he was doing was by all means wrong, but he also knew there was no getting out of it. What was the harm in asking? 

“Sir?” He piped out.


“If you don’t mind me asking... what do we do now?”

His eyes opened with a mischievous glint. 

“Now, soldier, we wait”

End of prologue! Comment if anyone wants me to post more! 

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