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I press the button, and it beeps. I stand there for a minute, scared. Then someone speaks.
"Hello, this is master speaking."
I blush, then look away from the camera.
"Oh, baby's nervous. What's your name?"
I have to think for a minute.
"Um, Yoongi, sir."
I think.
"Alright, Yoongi baby. Did you want to see me?"
"I-I think so."
"Alright. I'm about to open the gates. Any last comments or questions?"
"Umm... I have'nt had sex in three years. I'm not sure I remember everything. And I'm not willing to be tied up and blindfolded, not at the same time."

"That's okay, I take your feelings into account here. Unless you don't want me to.your safe word is blue." The gates click open. "Take all the time you need. I'll be waiting."

I stare at his mansion for a minute, then remember he can see me and hitch my bookbag up on my back and take a step.
I run my fingers carefully over his flowers. He has hyacinths, hibiscus, and roses with the thorns clipped.
I was slowly, very slowly, until I reach the statues. They face the walkway, and I shudder at how lifelike they are. I run my finger down ones carved spine as I pass.
I take the steps one at a time, a stare at the door.
I'm scared to knock.

Like, really scared.
"I'm sorry!" I turn around and run back to my car.
"Change your mind, Yoongi Baby?"
I look a the intercom in shock. "I didn't know you were still watching me."
"I had to make sure you made it safely to your room."
"My room?"
"It's a surprise. I wish you would stay. You got me all excited and now you're going to leave me? Promise you'll come back."
"I-I promise." I duck into my car and start the ignition.

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