The truth unfolds

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I woke up the next day happy for some strange reason. Maybe because Chloe's the only person who believes me and the only person who can help me expose Sierra. I wore short denim shorts and a white t-shirt that says love conquers all in gold. I curled my hair then put a bit of mascara. Afterwards I put on a rosy pink lipgloss. I wore my normal shoes and grabbed my normal purse. Then I ran out the door while saying Au reviour to my parents. I ran to school early. I went back to sit next to Nathaniel. When I sat down he pushed me off. I'm guessing 'I' said something about him in the video. Then that's when Sierra came in. Then she grabbed me by my wrists and took me to the janitors closest.

"Listen here bitch, your a real pain in the ass."
"What have I done to you? I don't even know you."
"You don't know me you don't know me. Hahhaahaaaa This is priceless you actually don't know? Does Liar ring a bell in that stupid dumb head of yours." OMG no freaking way. My eyes widened in shock. I was speechless.
"Wow took you quit a while for a pest like you."
So she's doing this out of jealousy and hatred. Sure I admit I regret what I said to her. But she didn't have to lie either. We were both in the wrong. But there was something off about her. Her usual olive green eyes changed to a bright mint green colour. Her hair was no longer dark brown it was fawny brown. She was wearing a necklace the same one when she was akumitized to volpina. But this time it was glowing. Wait she's Akumitized. This makes so sense. When she was volpina all her lies came true and she had the power of illusion. That's how she changed into Sierra, how she made that vid, and how she 'transformed' infront of everyone. Before I could leave she slammed the door shut and quickly turned to her Sierra form.
''NOW!'' She yelled.

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