Discovery ( EXPLICIT NSFW )

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"You okay?" Lance questioned, glaring at the red faced boy. He noticed how Keith's raven hair fell onto his face, how soft it must be. And the way Keith's lips were parted slightly as the pace of his breath wa- 

"L-Lance... Your..." Keith covered his eyes, trembling.

"Im wha-oH!!" Lance sprinted, clutching onto the shower curtain to cover himself, oh god this was embarrassing! This definitely wasn't on Lances plan for the day!Keith was just stood there, staring, as if he'd just seen a ghost. But at the same time, his face was glowing a deep red. Was Keith... Flustered? Lances long time crush was standing before him, still and flustered!? What an opportunity~

'Why is he hot why is he hot why is he-'

"Like something you see mullet?" Lance giggled. Keith stumbled on his words (gay panic) not knowing how to respond.


Oh god oh god oh god! Is he flirting? Quiznak!! What am I supposed to say? Damn you Lance, with your cute smile and pretty boy face-

"uh yea- I MEAN you....uhhhm no yes maybe?" How the hell else was I supposed to respond. Lance continued to just eye at me for what felt like an HOUR until I saw that shit eating grin slowly appear on his face. But like, not JUST the shit eating grin, it was merged with his flirtatious expression: one eyebrow raised, with a wink just to add the final touch. I didn't move; Well I couldn't really, it's not everyday you stumble across your crush singing in the shower, seeing them naked.

Speaking of, Lance made his way towards me, panic flushing my face because my gay ass couldn't tAKE IT.


Lance moved closer to Keith, closer and closer until he could feel Keith's breath on his lips.

"So... little Keithy has gotten flustered?" he lifted his chin up, level with his own "And for me? Tell me why." the ex-blue paladin's tone was seductive but stern, almost growling. After gaining no response from Keith, Lance tried a different approach, locking lips instantly. Lance could tell why Keith got flustered just by looking into his eyes, safe to say he was definitely correct.

Keith pulled back from the kiss, a soft smile drifting on his lips, "Hmmm not so great for a first kiss I thought you'd be better" he joked

"Hey!! You must have never kissed anyone in your life because last time I checked, I'm a pretty friggin' good kisser" Lance huffed.

"Well, you better show me your evidence for this case-" Keith gave a failed wink, immediately hitting Lance with a kiss before he could make a comment. Lance bit Keith's lip, causing Keith to gasp and allowing Lance entrance into his mouth. Their tongues intertwined and danced together, while both paladins emitted small hums and moans. Lance broke the kiss to breathe and realised: oh yeah, I still don't have clothes on

Using this as an advantage, Lance pushed his body against Keith's, leaving no gap in-between. "Keith... You don't know how long I've waited for this. I want you" Lance growled into Keith's ear while tugging at his pants.

"Lance, as much as I'd like to, how do I know you're not just taking out your sexual tension on me? Obviously I'm the easiest choice..." Keith looked down, shading his face from Lance's view. lance pushed his forehead against his. "Keith. Seriously. Ever since we had the ever so infamous Bonding Moment (TM) I haven't stopped thinking about how I truly feel towards you. Believe me, I actually think I've fallen in love with you; As crazy as that may sound, its true." he placed the others hand on his chest "From the heart...". Keith began to tear up 'Shitty Lance and his ways, goddamnit I love him'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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