Nine week appointment

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We were getting ready for our first doctor appointment today and I grab as much stuff to use. I grab my phone and my wallet and head out the door. I decided to bring Caitlyn along so she could see what it was like. She was excited to have a sibling for she had wanted one for a while now. She grinned the whole ten minutes to the hospital and I smiled at her. Jack was excited as well, for he wanted a boy. I want a girl, but I'll be fine with whatever. We got to the hospital and the nurse greeted us. She gave Caitlyn a sticker and laughed. We headed to our room and I saw the doohickey machine thing that they hook up for ultrasounds. Nurse Allie came in and put gel on my belly to see our baby. She saw two babies, then three, then four, five? " I see five babies, Hannah." She said with a shock," I am not sure what genders but I definitely see five!" I literally almost passed out from surprise!. Caitlyn was so happy to have five babies to keep. She is three and a half so she can understand a lot. Jack was surprised that we had to buy cribs for five babies. "Oh my lord!" I thought in my head as we walked out the door. I have five babies in me right now! I'm so excited to meet them all!

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