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Louis slammed his front door and let out a sigh of disbelief and stress. He couldn't believe what just happened or how it ended.

He walked through his apartment discarding his backpack on the floor behind his couch and made his way to his room.

He sat at his desk and rummaged around through the drawers until he pulled out his journal. He clicked open the same black pen from the last time and wrote his thoughts out neatly on the page.

Dear Journal,

Harry Styles is a go. I did not think he was as attracted to me as he expressed but I guess that's a good thing. Something feels strange to me I don't know what exactly it is or how I'm supposed to react to this all but I'm very nervous.

Harry has this new hot assistant that looks like he fell out of the sky to save the world. It's unfair but it was very obvious it was to make me jealous and it worked wonders.

All was good in our little bubble until his assistant decided to ruin the mood. I'm not asking for much tomorrow. Maybe a hello and a few notes on a piece of paper but was Harry ready to risk being caught again?

I can't really see us doing much more than talking tomorrow, trying to cover our tracks. Wish me luck world! I need it.

Louis closed the book and set it aside. He didn't know why he actually enjoyed writing in this journal but he felt like he was actually talking to someone.

He started to stare out at the setting sun through his window and slowly got lost in the changing colors as his phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and saw Harry's contact name flashing before his eyes.

He quickly pressed accept and held the phone up to his ear as he steadied his breathing.


Louis paused waiting for his response. At first, there was a silence and then Harry cleared his throat.

"Hello, Louis. I was just. Well."

He paused and Louis waited patiently as he gave Harry a moment to collect his thoughts.

"I'm just very sorry about what happened. I'm very embarrassed that I put you in that situation."

Louis took in those words. He wasn't sure if this was a simple apology or a chance to just hear Louis' voice again but he enjoyed every second of it.

"Harry It's fine. I'm not embarrassed and as long as we're fine I'm okay."

"Oh, we are totally fine!"

Louis could hear the excitement in his voice and couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. He felt like a teenager again.

"Alright. Then I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes, you will."

"Good. Goodnight Mr.Styles."

Harry chuckled at the name. Louis pictured him laying on his bed, his hair all over the place among a mountain of pillows.

"Goodnight Louis."

Louis hung up and placed his phone face down and he smiled into his hands. He felt a whole zoo building up in his stomach as he thought about what tomorrow might bring.


Louis woke up an hour earlier and showered before he headed to work. His ride there was joyous and the sun was shining brighter than ever before and when he entered the Styles building it didn't feel as chaotic and toxic as it normally did.

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