The Date pt. 1 (James Potter)

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"She's going on a WHAT?" James panicked.

"Yeah Weasley told me that Molly set her up with a kid named Adrien," Remus said calmly. This only sent James further down his rabbit hole of emotions.

"Merlin Prongs, it's a date. It's not like they're getting married," Sirius tried to calm his best friend to no avail.

"And last time I checked, you two were just friends," Pete chimed in.

"This can't be fucking happening," James fell back on his bed covering his face with his hands.

"You can't say you didn't expect this, James. I mean Y/N is an attractive girl and you didn't ask her out with the millions of chances you had..." Remus said to his friend. It was true that James had had plenty of chances to ask you out but he was always nervous to, and that was very out of character for him.

"Now is not the time for your logic Remus." James sighed and sat back up, "I think I need some air."

"How about... we go to Broomsticks tonight, get your mind off of it," Sirius suggested. "I mean it is Saturday so it's not like we're missing anything."

"Sirius, it's Friday," Remus pointed out and Sirius just looked confused.

"Can we just go already" James asked standing up. The other three nodded and followed James as they tried to find the best way out of the castle.


"Molly, I don't think that's such a good idea..." You said sitting on your bed. You were going on a date with someone Molly set you up with, and saying you were nervous was an understatement.

  "Y/N, you need this. How else are you going to get over James," she sat next to you and put a hand on your shoulder.

"You say that as if we we broke up or something," your tone softened as you thought about the dark haired boy you've liked since second year. Molly was the only one you told, and she was very keen on keeping it a secret with you.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Now, have you decided what you're gonna wear?" You shook your head no, "Well, I'll help you get ready and then we can go."

You smile at her and the two of you go over to your chest to find the perfect date outfit. This ended up being a pretty yellow bell sleeve shirt that was tucked into a black skirt and the Mary Janes you normally wore for school. Something you wouldn't normally put together yourself but it was very cute.

  After Molly helped you get ready she did so herself and then the two of you were off to The Three Broomsticks. You would've gone to an actual restaurant if you wanted but you really didn't want to be left alone and it was a lot less obvious if Molly and her boyfriend were at the pub too.

The walk was slower than normal, just because of how nervous you were. But once the pub was in sight you stopped grabbed Molly's arm, "I'm sorry Molly, but I don't think I can do this."

"You can and you will" she pulled you towards the pub again. It wasn't surprising that the place was pretty busy, it was a Friday after all.

Once you and Molly walked in you immediately heard someone call her name. It was none other than Arthur Weasley from a booth on the far side of the pub. You looked around the area and was surprised to see a booth filled with four very familiar boys.

"Oh Merlin, Molly we have to leave," you grabbed her arm as you panicked causing her to look at you and towards the infamous Marauders who also looked shocked to see you there.

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