Chapter 32

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"Nigga if you don't put that fucking taser down before you fry yo fucking brains, metal mouth." I snatched the taser out of Melo's hand and put it on the counter.

"Why you always clowning on the boy." Davon shook with laughter.

"Cause he always doing some dumb shit. I'm the one that gotta make sure he don't do no dumb shit." I looked over at him and his dumbass got a knife pointing straight at his eye.

I smack my forehead and take a deep breath.

"Gimme this shit." I mumbled with my lips pursed together.

"Go sit on the couch and stop touching shit." I pushed him toward the couch but he dropped all his fucking weight on me almost making me break my fucking spine.


"Say uncle!" He shouted back.

"Nigga what?!" He got even more heavier making it harder for me to hold him up.

"You heard me nigga. Say uncle."

"Uncle!" I screamed.

He finally stood back up and my body didn't feel like it was gonna cave in on itself.

"What the fuck was that for?" I slapped his shoulder.

"Had to remind you of who superior." He cheesed like he said something great.

I grabbed the taser that was just in his hand a second ago and pointed it toward him.

"Go sit on the couch. Now." He looked at the taser for a split second and then up at me. Then he turned his tall ass around and whistled his way to the couch.

Everyone laughed and shook their head at us.

"Ion know why I thought bringing him to a house that held so many damn weapons was a good idea." I put the taser in a drawer in the kitchen and placed the knife back in the block of wood.

"Can't bring him no where." Zo said. Melo looked at him with the stankest look of all time.

"Bro shut the hell up, ain't nobody ask you to have an input. Acting like you didn't almost shoot a hole in the wall." Melo snapped.

"Nigga you almost just took your fucking eye out. Are you stupid or dumb."

"I don't wanna hear nothing bro, you the dumb one. Talking about you dubbed Denise but you was on the phone with her last night, giggling like some little kid."

Davon kicked the recliner up and leaned back, lighting up a blunt. He took a puff and pulled his shades down.

Gelo sat in the corner of the living room recording the two bickering back and forth.

After a while my head started pounding with their loud ass mouths echoing through my mind.

"Alright. Everyone shut the fuck up or I'm gonna lose my fucking mind!" I screamed, startling them.

"Nah if bro wanna-"

"Zo, please, I beg of you, put a sock in it. If y'all can't control yourselves then please exit yourself from the scene because my brain feels likes it's gonna pop."

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