United - Part 11

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I sit still in the bedroom.  I can hear the shuffle of feet, but I feel a million miles away.  Is this really happening?   I'm slowly applying make up, finishing by applying a subtle blush pink to my lips, pressing them together.  Nerves are building.  I close my eyes, breathe in, then out, breathe in, then out.  I reach down and put my shoes on and I stand.  Opening my eyes, I walk towards the mirror, checking over my hair and make up, and then taking the total view.  My dress, ivory in colour, soft and flowing, I turn sideways to see, and slowly turn my back towards the mirror and look over my shoulder.   What on earth does he see in me?  The internal voice is loud and clear when I am on my own.  In his presence, even when I am within his view, his eyes on me, I know that he loves me.  Rae Earl.  Mae.  His Girl.  But in these moments when I am on my own I do wonder how he could like me, let alone love me.  

I close my eyes, and I imagine his eyes on me, his smile, the words that shortly he will say to me, his pledge, my pledge to him, and I can feel a warmth grown throughout me.  I hear a click that breaks my internal spell and I open my eyes to see who has entered the room.   "Oh Rachel, you look beautiful" my mum says, and I give a small smile.  "Are you sure mum?  Is Finn ok? Will he like this?" I blurt out everything all at once.    Mum takes my hands, "He loves you totally and completely, and I don't think he could love you any more than he already does, but if he was going to today would be the day" mum says smiling at me.    I nod in return.  "Rae, you ready?" mum asks.  I breathe in and then out, trying to steady myself "As I will ever be" I reply.   "Finn wanted me to give you this" mum states, while giving me a wrist corsage, with the same beautiful flowers that lined our incredible hallway.   A hallway, that in a few seconds I will walk down, to meet my Finn.   A tear escapes me, I laugh nervously, I want to see him.   "How about now Rae, ready?" mum checks again.  I nod, taking her hand, she opens the door and I follow her.  

I follow mum into the hallway, she takes one last look at me, and then we start our walk down the hallway.  My heals gently tapping on the floorboards, as I make my way down to where everyone is.  A pathway has been left to Finn, who is standing watching my every move.  Any doubt I had vanished the minute looked into my eyes.  Finn's eyes fixed on me, I reply with a nervous smile back at him.  O.M.G he loves me my inner voice screams at me.  

My Finn, dashing as he stands in a dark suit, a shirt, with the top button undone.  Unlike me, he doesn't look nervous at all.  He is strong and certain and I now hurry to be by Finn's side. 

As I arrive next to him, he takes my hand and leans in pressing his lips to my cheek.  He pauses "Today My Girl, you are the most beautiful that I have ever seen you" squeezing my hand gently.  "We have a few people in the room that you probably weren't expecting to be here today" he continues.  He feels me stiffen, so he begins to rub the back of my hand gently to calm me.  "We have a very special ring bearer, and for that I thank you Rae Rae" he says softly a tear cascading down his cheek.  I squeeze his hand gently to calm him.  "And all the gang is here" he announces, kissing me again and stepping back.  Looking into my eyes, he smiles, and encourages me to look around.  So many smiling faces looking back at us.  

I hear a voice calling everyone to come in closer around us. My head flips around, it is Archie.  I couldn't contain my excitement.  "Oh Archie" I say as I give him a cuddle.   I turn to Finn "How did you..." I begin.  Finn smiles.  I lean into him.  No more words on Archie, it will make me cry.   Finn whispers "now look behind you to see who has our rings".  I look up and turn to the crowd with no idea who I am looking for.  "Princess Rae Rae" I hear through the crowd.  I turn to Finn, my hand over my mouth, tears streaming down my face "No" I say to Finn.  He nods and smiles at me as Joshy runs towards us, in his spiderman suit.  I bend down to him, and give him a cuddle.  "Joshy, you are looking very handsome today"  I tell him.  "Princess Rae Rae, cry?" he asks.  "Tears of happiness and love Joshy" I reply hugging him as I look up at Finn.  "Hey lil man, can I have my Rae back?" Finn asks Joshy reaching out his hand, which Joshy takes. 

"Ladies and Gentleman, Family and Friends, today we are here to celebrate the union of Rachel Earl and Finlay Nelson.  Anyone that knows this couple knows that there have been ups and downs, but at the core has been a love that has lasted, even when they have been apart.  When Finn rang me to say that Rae had reentered his life, I have to say, it didn't come as a shock.  It felt inevitable.  In fact it felt inevitably correct.   Like the world was finally right.  

I start by asking is there anyone here today that objects to the union of Rachel and Finn?  If you do, I would suggest that you run quickly, as there are so many people here today that support this union.  Wanting to see Rae and Finn happy together" Archie oversees our service.   He pauses.   Finn's dad called from the back "Get on with it Archie", and our guests chuckled. 

"Finn, do you have anything that you would like to say to Rae as a pledge of your promise to her"  Archie invites Finn to speak.  

Finn takes a folded piece of paper, he unfolds it, looking at me as he does.   He smiles at me. 

"Mae, My Girl.  You are my world.  From the moment I met you I was head over heels in love with you.  You didn't believe me then, but you have had my heart since you sculled that snake bite and you played Sabotage on the jukebox.  You have been mine, and I have been yours.  Though apart for so long, I always knew I loved you.  You are world class, you are my girl, my Rae Rae, my Mae.  I promise to love you, be your best friend, and support you through good times and bad.  Forever and a day" Finn pledged.

"Rachel, do you have anything that you would like to say to Finn as a pledge of your promise to him" Archie invites Rachel to speak.

"Finlay Nelson.  My pledge to you is simple.  I love you with every part of me, whether I am standing next to you or far away.  My love for you is deep and never ending.  I promise you that I won't run, that I am here for you in good times and bad, forever and a day.   I also want you to know that I look forward to being there for Joshy, I love him with all of my heart and I promise to be here for him forever and a day" I pledge. 

"Joshua, can you please give me the rings for Daddy and Rae Rae?"  Archie asks.  Joshy hands Archie the rings.  "Finn, can you please place this ring on Rae's finger and repeat after me" Archie instructs.   "I Finn, take your Rae to be my lawfully wedded wife, who I will love forever and a day" Finn repeated while placing the ring on my finger.    "Rae, can you please place this ring on Finn's finger and repeat after me" Archie instructs.  "I Rae, take you Finn to be my lawfully wedded husband, who I will love forever and a day" I repeated while placing the ring on Finn's finger.  "It is with great pleasure that I announce that you are both husband and wife and that Finn, you may kiss your beautiful wife" Archie declares. 

Finn leans in, taking my hands and looking into my eyes.  He smiles. Pauses.  It is like we are the only two people in the room.   His lips gently touched mine, and we were kissing.  No longer Rachel and Finlay.  No longer Rae and Finn.  From now on Mr and Mrs Finlay Nelson.  I am his and he is mine.  Forever and a day. 

As our kiss drew to a close, and we stood with our foreheads touching our guests erupted clapping, whistling and cheering congratulations.  Nothing could wipe this smile off my face. 

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