Chapter 2: Tokyo

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I arrived in Tokyo. It was noisier than Hakone but I loved it. My new flat was in the downtown of Tokyo and I was in Tokyo Medical University. The first days were good. I've met some new friends. People in Tokyo are very warm and helpful. One day, when I came back home, I saw a group of people who had a seal in their hands but the color and the writing were different. I decided to ask them what were those seals and one of them answered me:

"-This is the queen!
- What?, I asked
- Death to the queen!" He shouted.

I was afraid so I ran away from them and suddenly I saw a creature that I've seen before but I didn't remember when and where. I ran away from it and this thing began to follow me. When I was running, the seal in my hand began to shine. Suddenly everything was dark around me. I felt like I was knocked out. A few moment later I woke up and I found the creature near me. It had lost it head. I tried to remember what happened but I couldn't. I decided to go home and I took a piece of the monster with me.
I took shortcuts so that I wouldn't be seen. When I arrived at home I sat down in front of my computer and I researched about this monster and the seal but I found nothing. I began to think. Suddenly I got an idea. I decided to find an historian so I researched in Google the phone number of an historian. I found a historian called Hirofumi Hide. I called him and I told him all the story. When I finished to tell him the story, he didn't say anything and after a few minutes he told me that he can't help me and he hung up. I didn't know what to do. The next day I was afraid to go to university because of what happened a day ago and I called my  teacher and I told him that I was sick. I decided to do research about the monster and the seal. But I still found nothing.

Two days later the historian called me and told me that he would finally help me. He gave me the address of his office and I went there. I entered his office and I sat down a chair. This place  was old and stank garlic. He told me everything that I wanted. He explained me that this seal was a seal from the clan of the Patana ēnjilsa also known as the Fallen Angels.  Patana ēnjilsa was the Nepalese for Fallen Angels. I asked what was that clan but he told me that he couldn't say anything about that and he gave me a phone number. He told me that If I wanna know more about this, I must call this number and go to Nepal. I thanked him and I went home. I called that phone number and a men answered me. I told him that Mr. Hide told me to call him I told him all the story and he told me that he was from the same clan that I was from and that we're the last two people from our clan. He told me to join him in Nepal in the Himalayan mountains. After this discussion I decided to go to Nepal in the next holidays.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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