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I'm not sure how long I've been in this irritatingly pitch room. Under any other normal circumstances I wouldn't care about this frustratingly annoying darkness that has become all too maddening.

The thing, tormenting me whatever it was has not come back in awhile. It just left me. Abandoned me here in this unforgiving darkness. Left me with no one, left me to become nothing.

At first I thought that it was coming back to continue the ongoing torment that was going nowhere. The last 'torture session' wasn't even that harsh, if anything it was more tamed than any other time I had been tortured. My gods it was just getting so goddamn boring at the end. So when I awoke discarded, bare and covered in the filth that littered the ground below me. I was free of my bindings but forever trapped in this tedious room.

For the first half of my partial freedom , I roamed the vacant scope that was the room. Tracing the cracks and fractures of the diminishing cement walls. I tried anything to find a way out of this painstakingly stygian expanse. But after what I'm sure was just days of me tracing the unending stretch of the walls, floors, and the ceiling did I realize that there was no way out. At least not on the inside of the room. So now I just sit here; outlining the endless creaks in the stone on the barricade behind me,.

"I know you're out there." I announce to the seemingly empty room, "I know you're listening in. I know you're watching me." I add. Leaning further into the walls I sigh loudly; "So your just going to leave me here for all of eternity?" I ponder out loud "Or are you going to try and kill me?"I question the room. "Ohh, but how will you kill me?" I chuckled darkly. "You truly have no idea who you're fucking with!" I snarl out to the nothingness that surrounds me.

I wasn't always this hostel; I used to be a pretty laid back being of destruction, but fucking hell! I need some sort of fucking acknowledgement that I'm still here. That I'm still breathing.

"Ya know when you don't respond to my words it kinda pisses me off." I growl out. "This constant silence makes me want to carve a hole in your chest. To extract your most vital organ from your torso." I explain.

"Did you know the Romans perfected the method of taking a human heart from a person's body while it still continues to pump blood; they made it so their victim their still beating heart." i reflect. "I wonder how fast your heart would beat as I held it in the palm of my hand." I muse. "I wonder if you'd come to accept your fate, or fight against the pull."
" Ohh, I think the sight of all that blood seeping out of you would frighten you? Or would the thing that frighten you the most be that your most important appendage you possess isn't even within your grasp."

"I wonder who told you about me? Which new age King decided that some suspendable bitch like you could rid the universe of someone of my stature." I ask at point blank "hmmm maybe a human talked you into this suicide mission." I ponder with my hand lazily tracing the wall beside me.

Oh yes, you didn't know.

Maybe this lack of recognition is leading me into onset hysteria.

"No one told you who I am. How I could ruin you." I smile .

"They set you up die."

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