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The ground shook with pure power and fear, but the crowd had fallen silent and serious.

"H-He wants us to fight that!" The she-elf screeched but eventually fell limp and fainted.

I looked at her body and then to the elf who was beside her, but he didn't look like he had any intention of helping her. I certainly couldn't with a giant, red-winged beast galloping towards us.

I backed up quickly and got into a ready position, my strong hand forward, facing the beast, and my other hand behind me for balance. I stood on my toes and threw my hair behind my ears, watching the demon stomp in my direction. His nostrils were flared and his teeth were bared. I could see on his neck the giant veins that pumped fel-tainted blood. I knew it would be green, I've fought a demon before.

Before I had a chance to ready myself, the he-elf shouted in rage and charged after the beast, leaping into the air and drove the warglaive into the demon's chest, driving it down to the floor where he dripped in green blood. The demon roared and stomped his hooves, landing to where his right hoof was doused in red blood. I felt my stomach flip, seeing the blonde hair laid out in between his hooves. Blood had splattered everywhere when he stomped again with his other hoof. It splashed so far it flicked over my face and body.

It was just me left in this battle now.

"Is this what you want, demon!" I shouted beyond the red, winged demon to the one sitting in the chair. The crowd began to hiss and cheer angrily. "To use us as entertainment before we're killed? Well, I'll give you a show!"

I bared my teeth and ran in full charge, leaping onto the wall and ran rapidly where I was able to run to the top and leap onto the demon's head. I screamed and shouted, driving my weapons into both of the demon's eyes. He flapped his wings and roared, taking his long claws and covered his gushing sockets in pain. I drove my blades into his neck, slicing across his thick skin over his artery and around to the other side where I stood on his shoulder. I glowered at the horned elf from across the arena, driving my foot into the demon's jaw so his head fell from off of his shoulders and to the floor beside us. When his body fell to the floor, I jumped off and stood before him.

"I won," I growled, dropping my blades in front of me and I wiped the blood off of my eyelids.

The crowd was silent, but the demon in the chair only cackled loudly and stood up, opening his wings and flew into the arena to land in front of me.

"In my ten thousand years, I have never seen an elf fight such as you," He held a long, purple arm out to me. "Join us, Hunter."

Two elves flew over the demon carcass and cut its heart out of its chest.

"Now," He took the heart in his hands. It was sizeable for a creature as large at that. "Consume the spirit of the demon and live your destiny as a demon hunter."

It felt like they were asking a lot of me. But, truth be told, there was nothing I had left in this life. My family was burned by the legion, and Emrain... he was killed by them, too. I must bring honor to them, they can't die and wither away to the spirits without vengeance.

"Will we bring an end to the Burning Legion?" I asked, holding the demon's bloody heart in my hands.

Lord Illidan only laughed, a cackling, raspy laugh. "Our existence is to bring an end to the Burning Legion."

I took a step back from everything. The eyes of the mutated night and blood elves, their leathery wings that blew hot air against my neck, and their spiral of horns... I had to accept that I would look like that one day. I gripped the vessels on the demon's heart and dug my teeth into it's thick, coriaceous flesh, ripping a piece off and struggled to chew it. The demons began to roar and cheer behind loud drums that went faster with every heartbeat. The taste was like pure tar as it stuck to my teeth and my lips, but the pain was minuscule to what I held felt before.

Unexpectedly, my head rose up in shock and my eyes flashed open brightly. I couldn't see the arena anymore, and I couldn't see anything but images in my head. People burning and people dying to the hand of the legion. Homes and cities raised from the ground in green, eternal fire. And then in the twinkle of light, I saw Emrain. I called out his name, but he didn't see me and he couldn't move. I couldn't move either. Then he slowly turned around, and what I saw horrified me. His face was clawed and his body was completely ruined and bloody. The place where he was stabbed, in his lower abdomen, lit up in flames. He cried out and he screamed, his eyes burned brightly as his face was in sheer pain. I shouted with him, my heart felt as if it had been stomped on by a tree. My nails met my face and I scratched down my facial markings, my fingers dug into my eye sockets and I screamed out in pain. I fell limp to the ground, fainting from pain until all I saw was darkness and complete still.

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