Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: " he's a monster!"
Brook's POV
I sat in the car and watched my phone intently, we had been in the car for 2 hours while my dad drove to the location, he didn't tell us but told us, my brother, mom, and me, that it was for me. I looked out the window as we turned into a driveway on either side of the car there was fencing and inside of it were horses each one of them looked like perfectly built horses. Soon we came to a stop we all clambered out of the car and onto the ground a man, who was balding and stood at about 5'3, was right in front of us then he started to talk to my father soon the man started to walk away and my father followed him the rest of us soon followed them into a barn and me being the odd 18 year old looked around at the stalls to see horses just like the ones inside the fencing. Eventually I heard the sound of hoof steps on concrete they sounded as if the horse was in one place but wanting to stray away from it then we arrived at the source of noise, I knew that I gasped at the sight of the giant horse in front of me. We all stood for a moment until I started to take a closer look at the horse. The man started to talk, " his name is Wind Rider, and Secretariat is in his blood, want to take him for a spin?" Without thinking I nodded my head and within 3 minuets I was on Wind Rider a 20 hand tall horse on a track and about to ride him. I was in the starting box for race horses and I was about to ride him. The gates opened,-

I hope you like it I worked hard on it and also in case you didn't know 1 hand is equivalent to 4 inches so Wind Rider is really tall especially of Secretariat to be about 16 hands tall, also the starting box is what horses are positioned in so they are even they go in the back of it and run through the front

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