The move

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Jen is only 14 and so you can understand when she is nervous when her parents say they are moving house to a new cottage."it will be a hole new adventure!" Says her mum when she sees the look in her daughters face.her mum leaves the room 'A cottage!,how boring.I like it in the city' little does Jen know the adventures she will have there and the dangers she will encounter.

Jen takes one last look at her room as her mum and dad take the boxes with there stuff into the moving van. "Jen!" Her mum shouts "its time to go" Jen puts her shoes on and takes one last look at her room it looks plain and dull without her pictures on the wall and her colourful bedsheets filling the bed.Jen thinks of all the  arguments,sleepovers,and play dates she had here as she finally closes the door and runs down the stairs out the door and to the car.

 "Are we there yet?" Jen asks "no!" Her mum says for the millionth time "we'll be there in the next hour Jen know sit and be quiet" her mum exclaims in an annoyed tone.

The car finally stops and Jen looks out the window there's a small cottage outside with beautiful wild roses growing all over the door  and n arch outside making an entrance to the amazingly beautiful front garden. Jen got a lovely feeling as her,her mum and dad walked in.

 Wanna know what happens next? Then stay and follow me for the next chapter!

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