Chapter One

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Her breakup with Grant was not easy. Part of her missed him, and wanted him to come back. The other part didn't hate him, she just resented him.

She had plans to fly to New York City and stay with Taylor for a while, it had been Taylor's idea because she didn't want her friend to suffer from heartbreak alone, but she was procrastinating packing.

It was strange knowing that Taylor was younger than Katie by three years. Taylor was mature and kind, yet soft and fun to be around at the same time.

Taylor had a very motherly personality. She was stern when she needed to be, but most of the time she was this goofball that was as lovable as a puppy.

She was glad to have Taylor as a friend, despite the two of them being two of the most despised people, according to the media and certain fans, but that never got in the way of  their friendship.

She sighed and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Her garbage can was overflowing with used tissues full of dried tears and snot, and she carefully picked up the can not wanting to touch its contents.

When she returned to her room, she stared blankly at the empty suitcase. It lay on her floor, open, and it seemed to be mocking her.

Run away from your problems Katie. Don't get over it like every other woman who suffers heartbreak. Go run to Taylor and she'll protect you.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was red, and there were tear stains on her cheeks. Her lower lip trembled as she stared, her thoughts clogging her mind.

You were never good enough for him.

He's happier without you.

Everyone leaves you. One day, Taylor will too.

"Stop it!" She cried out. She was trembling. Katie grabbed random clothes, and tossed them into her suitcase. She had to catch her flight in a half hour, and she didn't want to be late.

She had asked Taylor if she could bring her cats, and Taylor agreed. She only said that she didn't know how Meredith and Olivia, her two cats, and Dodger, her boyfriend Chris' dog, would react to the new guests.

To make her day even worse, the terminal was packed.

She could feel people's prying eyes on her as she scurried to find her gate, and the lady behind her was not helping.

She was already in a bad mood, and now she had this bitchy middle aged woman shoved up her ass. The woman kept asking her all these different questions, accusing her of doing all these raunchy and horrible things, and the woman was calling her all these names, calling her things such as a slut, or a bitch, etc. and it made her want to cry. She tried her best to ignore the woman as she scurried down the terminal, sniffling and trying to hold back tears.

The woman still wouldn't her alone. She was always a step behind Katie, saying some sort of snobby remark that made Katie want to swing her suitcase at the lady's head, but she restrained herself knowing that if she assaulted the woman she would a) be in jail, and b) probably have more "fans" say hateful things about her online.

She prayed the woman wasn't on her flight, and boarded the plane.

She slept for most of the trip. She had her headphones in, her music on shuffle, smiling every so often when one of Taylor's songs came on.

When she landed in New York, her gaze flicked around the terminal looking for Taylor. Taylor, who really wasn't that hard to miss because she was almost six feet tall, and usually had a big group of people around her because she's Taylor frigging Swift, stood twenty feet in front of her.

Katie walked over to her friend, and gave her a tired smile. "Hey Tay," She said.

"Katie! Finally I was worried about you!" Taylor said, pulling her into a hug and giving her a friendly squeeze. "I missed you!"

The last time Taylor and Katie saw each other was a year and a half ago, at Taylor's little Fourth of July get together. Katie had still been with Grant, and Taylor had been dating Chris for only a few months.

She remembered when Joe Alwyn and Taylor broke up. The phone calls at four in the morning full of screaming, crying, and expletives. (Katie made up a little game of "Count the Expletives" whilst on the phone with Taylor, who didn't know about it).

Now Taylor was with Chris Evans, yes Captain America, and she seemed so much happier with him. That made Katie happy to see her friend with someone who genuinely loved her, and didn't use her for fame.

Taylor smiled at her. "How was your flight?" She asked as the both of them made their way out of the airport.

"The flight part was okay, but there was this bitchy middle aged woman who wouldn't leave me alone." Katie replied.

"Oh god. You didn't go all Arrow on her, did you?" Taylor chuckled.

"No, but I did want to swing my suitcase at her."

"Good thing you didn't do that because I would have to bail you out of jail for assault." Taylor grinned.

"That would make a great news headline," Katie chuckled, "I can see it now: 'Arrow Actress Katie Cassidy Arrested for Assaulting a Woman in a Los Angeles Airport.'"

Taylor laughed. She had a goodnatured laugh, and Katie laughed with her. "At least I'm not friends with a felon."

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