Chapter 2: Sharks and Seagulls

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While everyone was at the concert, the missing mermaid was off adventuring near a sunken ship looking at human items along side her fish friend. "Hinata, wait for me . . ." the orange fish said as he swam trying to keep up "Kona hurry up!" Hinata shouted as she swam towards the sunken ship. "You know I can't swim that fast" Konohamaru sulked as he caught up to the mermaid "There it is. Isn't it fantastic?" Hinata replied pointing at the abandoned ship "Yeah . . . sure . . . it - it's great. Now let's get outta here" Kona pouted. Hinata giggled "You're not getting cold fins now, are you?" she asked the scared fish "Who, me? No way. It's just, it, err . . . it looks - damp in there" the fish said anxiously " Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I've got this cough" Kona then pretended to cough. Hinata rolled her eyes at her sidekick "All right. I'm going inside. You can just stay here and - watch for sharks" she said as she swam inside the ship "O.K. Yeah - you go. I'll stay and - what? Sharks! Hinata!" Kona yelled trying to fit through the porthole window of the ship "Hinata. . . I can't . . . I mean - Hinata help!" he shouted at the mermaid.

(AN: here is a picture below of what kind of fish Konahamru is)

  "Oh, Konahamaru" Hinata laughed "Hinata, do you really think there might be sharks around here?" Kona whispered "Kona, don't be such a guppy" Hinata giggled her fish friend "I'm not a guppy" Konahmaru rolled his eyes  as Hinata pulls her through...

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  "Oh, Konahamaru" Hinata laughed "Hinata, do you really think there might be sharks around here?" Kona whispered "Kona, don't be such a guppy" Hinata giggled her fish friend "I'm not a guppy" Konahmaru rolled his eyes as Hinata pulls her through the porthole "This is great - I mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around every corn- YAAAAHHHHHHHH!! Hinata!!" Kona screamed, as he sees a skull that caused him to crash into a pillar, creating a cave in and swims hectically away, knocking over Hinata. "Oh, are you okay?" Hinata asks the red snapper "Yeah sure, no problem, I'm okay . . ." he replies "Shhh . . . Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?" Hinata rejoices after seeing a fork among the wreckage "Wow, cool! But, err, what is it?" Kona looking puzzled "I don't know. But I bet Kakashi will." Hinata explained as she puts the fork in her bag and continues to explore. "What was that? Did you hear something?" Kona panics "Hmm, I wonder what this one is?" Hinata looking at a pipe ignoring her friend "Hinata..." Konahamaru  beginning to worry more "Kona, will you relax. Nothing is going to happen" Hinata said as Kona tuned around and spots a great white shark charing towards them crashing through the window "AAHHHH!! Run!! Run!! We're gonna die!!" Kona screamed as the shark chases them, Hinata's bag is hung up against a piece of wood, She goes back for it. They headed for the port hole, escaping but the shark is till on their tails but suddenly gets trapped in a fisherman's net "You big bully. THBBBTTTT . . ." Kona sticking his tongue and swims away. "Kona, you really are a guppy" Hinata laughs as they head towards the surface "I am not" Kona rolls his eyes.

Meanwhile on the surface. A seagull sits on his island humming and looking through his telescope. "Kakashi!" Hinata yells at the seagull. He looks through the telescope the wrong way and see's the mermaid and her fishy friend. "Whoa! Mermaid off the port bow! Hinata, how you doin' kid?" He shouts but lowers the telescope to see Hinata up close "Whoa, what a swim!" Kakashi chuckles as Hinata opens her bag of treasures "Kakashi - look what we found!" Hinata rejoiced as she poured her bag out in front of the seagull. "Yeah - we were in this sunken ship - it was really creepy" Kona added "Human stuff, huh?" Kakashi pondered as he rubbed his chin "hey, lemme see"as he picks up the fork "look at this. wow - this is special - this is very, very unusual." he said as he examined the fork "What? What is it?" Hinata asked "It's a dinglehopper!" the seagull shouted "Humans use these little babies . . . to straighten their hair out" Kakashi explained as he brushed his feathers with the fork causing them to fluff out "See - just a little twirl here an' a yank there and - voiolay! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over!" he added as he gave the fork back to the mermaid.

"A dinglehopper!" Hinata rejoiced "what about that one?" Kona asked pointing his fin to the pipe "Ah - this I haven't seen in years." Kakashi said picking up the pipe and looking at it carefully "This is wonderful! A banded, bulbous - snarfblat" he explained "Oohhh" Hinata and Kona replied in unison "Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehistorical times, when humans used to sit around, and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So, they invented the snarfblat to make fine music. Allow me." As the seagull blows into the pipe causing seaweed to pop out the other end. "Music? Oh, the concert!" Hinata gasped "Oh my gosh, my father's gonna kill me!" as she took the fork and pipe to put in her bag frantically "The concert was today?" Kona asked "Maybe you could make a little planter out of it or something" Kakashi said still contemplating the pipe. "Uh, I'm sorry, I've gotta go. Thank you Kakashi!" Hinata waves and dives back into the sea "Anytime sweetie, anytime" Kakashi waved back.

While Hinata and Kona were swimming towards the palace, a pair of eels were watching them from a distance, but in a dark seafloor cavern a wicked sea witch is watching through the eyes of the two eels with a magic projection of Hinata swimming. "Yeeeeeees, hurry home, princess. We wouldn't want to miss old daddy's celebration, now, would we?" The seas witch snickered "Huh! Celebration indeed. Bah! In MY day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace. And now, look at me - wasted away to practically nothing - banished and exiled and practically starving, while he and his flimsy fish-folk celebrate." she sulked in her chair "Well, I'll give 'em something to celebrate soon enough." she laughed then remembered that her eels were still there "Zetsu! Haku!" she declared "I want you to keep an extra close watch on this pretty little daughter of his. She may be the key to Hiashi's undoing. . . " the witch sneered, because she had an evil plan.

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