Chapter 11 | stars.

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I look up but can only see the shadow of the figure holding me.
They offer me their other hand.
I let out a sigh and look down, then back up at them.
I take the other hand and I get pulled up, I face away from them sitting down.
"What kind of an idiot are you." I say looking at the sky.
"Sorry that was mean..." I say pausing my music.
"Who would get up this early, notice I was gone, come here and save me, make me pause my music, and now doesn't run away........"
A hug grants me from behind causing me to jump a little.
There's sobbing from behind me.
"Thank you, Toby." I say hoping I was right.
"How did you-" I cut him off.
He's really toying with my heart strings now.
I can't afford my heart to be shattered.
I stare at my shoes.
"Do you know how beautiful stars are...?" I ask.
He doesn't answer.
" ether."
I turn around and kiss him.
I just kissed somebody first...woah.
We lay down and stare at the last slither of night left.
"I'm sorry..............."

That was the end of this creepypasta book, I will be writing a different book which I will explain in the upcoming notification you get. Sorry for the ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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