Roommates Chapter 4

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Chapter 4/ Mystery?

A few hours after I had left Dominic Christopher came.

"Hi Christopher" I said opening the door for him.

"You alright?" he replied pulling a few of his bags in.

"Yeah am ok, oh let me help you with those" I offered taking some of his bags and boxes into his room.

"So do your other roommates know am moving in in a few days" Christopher asked as we unpacked some of his things.

"Yep told them this morning" we continued talking while working together to unpack his things but then Renae came into the room and to say what she was saying was a bit revealing would be an understatement. She had on a skin tight top that looked so that on her breast that it seemed as if her left breast was going to pop out, and she had on some batty riders/hot pants that seem to tight that I couldn't even believe she was still breathing and her cheeks were on show.

"Oh hey you must be Christopher" she said happily outstretching her hand down to his level as he sat on the floor unpacking and making sure that her breast were on show. He turned to her then stood, brushed his hand on his jeans before shaking her hand.

"Yeah am Christopher and you must be Renée" he said releasing his hand from her but not before she rubbed her thump gently across his knuckles.

"It's Renae but you can call me Ree" she purred; Ewe

"Pathetic!" I mumbled unpacking another of his boxes but I guess I was loud enough because she turned her head away from him and onto me then back to him.

"So Chris where were you before coming to move here?" she asked sitting down on the chair that was in the corner.

"I lived down...." the phone started ringing so I went to go get it; it was for Renae. I went back into the room and gave her the phone.

"Yes this is Renae...." she said trailing off and walking out of the room swaying her hips a little more need than usual. Am surprised he wasn't drooling over her. I must admit a much as I don't like the girl she is good looking and has a banging body and isn't afraid to flute it but he doesn't even seem to interested in her pr her body and he doesn't even seem bothered about what she is wearing. Hmm I guess some men are immune from Renae body.

We carried on unpacking in a comfortable silence. We only had two more boxes to do so he took one and I took the other. I opened the box and inside was full of book; hmm I see he likes to read. As I packed them on the shelves some books titles caught my eye. The two that caught my eye the most was one with two men kissing and the title read 'Opposite Lovers' and then the other one that caught my eye was 'How to love a man'. My eyes seemed to pop out of my head, is he gay? I quickly stacked the books and tried to brush the thought out of my head. Narh he couldn't be gay, my gay radar isn't detecting it and trust me when I say I got strong gay radar.

He phone began to ring so he answered it.

"Yoo Max you alright babes?" he down the phone; Max?


"Yeah I just move a few things in today"


"Um in a few more days"


"Oh is it. I miss you too Max" Eh what is this?


"Ite amma leave now since am finished" he said looking around the room to check.


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