Chapter 1

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October 22, 2014

11:14 p.m

Chemistry 4th period

I was yet again stuck in Mr. Douglas class for another boring lesson about chemicals that make up a table. I liked biology a lot better, all this math and chem stuff really confuses me. Like I don't plan on becoming the next Albert Einstein or James Watson, I just want to make it through high school first.

Today was nothing different as any other day except I felt like I was being watched, as if someone behind me was staring at me since class started. I am too shy to turn around and make awkward eye contact with my classmates, it's bad enough that I have to go to school with a bunch of idiots let alone make eye contact and they get the wrong idea.

"Evie, would you get the beakers?", asked my lab partner Ross. He was a okay partner I guess. He did most of the physical work and I would do the lab reports, but we didn't really talk anymore after he asked me out last month. We went to a skating rink nearby, it was fun until some kid got in my way and I was in a cast for a month. Ross felt bad about it and I wasnt mad but he kinda avoided talking to me unless it was about the lab work.

When I stood up to grab the beakers at the back, I noticed the person that must've been staring at me today. Red Head, pretty eyes, attractive. Honestly, I didn't know he was in my class. He must be one of those quite shy kids that get straight A's. He noticed me look back at him which made him turn away from eye contact.

Even though it was creepy, I was kinda flattered. Most of the popular guys in school try to ask me out and I politely turn them down because they mostly care about their ego and getting laid, and thats not really my style. Like when I was a freshman and sophomore, this upperclassman Liam, would always bug me. He'd ask me out all the time, buy me pretty flowers, he even asked me to both of his proms (I said yes to both because I didn't want to look like the bad guy), I had a great time at the proms but he was sort of a womanizer. And I never understood why Liam would go for a freshman when he could do so much better than me, being the sweet, innocent minded 9th grader that was excited to be in high school.

I brought three beakers to Ross, who look preoccupied to notice me back in my seat, he was talking to Haylee the girl that sits behind us.

" Hey sorry to break this little love fest, but I would like to get through today's lab before lunch" I nudged Ross who looked embarrassed when I said 'Love fest'.

"See you at lunch?" he smiled at Haylee and turned around to the table and began the lab without saying a word to me.

I finish the lab report and turned it into the front of the class. Ross takes the beakers to the sink and washes them out. As I make my way back to my seat, I bump into a boy.

He drops his reports on the floor. "I am so sorry, gosh I need to watch where I am going next time" I say apologizing. I bend down to help him gather the papers when I notice the dark red hair and emerald green eyes.

"Sorry" I mutter, he smiles at me. "Don't worry about it Ev-" the lunch bell interrupted him. He rushed over to the front desk and turned in the reports before Mr.Douglas collected them all. I grab my bag and head out to my usual lunch spot, the bleachers.

I never liked eating in the cafeteria, it gave me anxiety and I could feel the judgment. So I started coming here to watch the football players play catch, thats when Liam first noticed me. I am a dark brunette with golden honey eyes, not bad to the naked eye I guess. When I first met him, the football landed near me in the bleachers, sometimes I wonder if he did that on purpose. It startled me for a second when I heard it hit against the metal, Liam came running up smiling a me like I was his winning lottery ticket.

"Hey could you pass the ball please?" he asked putting his hand towards me. I tossed it to him and he introduced himself. "My name is Liam, I am a junior, and star quarterback on the football team just if you were wondering." He shook my hand, I remember how he was so full of himself.

"My name is Evie North, freshman, and I am on the dance team", Liam was impressed by how I wasn't intimidated by him or weak in the knees like every other freshman girl. I have an older brother so I know how sarcastic or charming boys could be.

"Well Evie, I'll see you around" Liam threw the ball to one of his friends down by the field.

I sat at the top of the bleachers, it gave me a full view of the school. From up there it look small but to be on the same level as it, it was like being a gold fish in the sea, never ending. Today, I brought a turkey and cheese sandwich and some hummus with pretzel sticks.

The field wasn't crowded today, since its wednesday the boys usually go out and eat, but I notice someone with red hair walking towards the bleachers. It must be the kid that I bumped into in chem. He got closer and walked up to the same level as me.

"Hello, is anyone sitting here?" he asked pointing to the bench in front of me. I nodd side to side. "Hey sorry about what happened in class today"

"Its okay, it happens right. My name is Kian" I noticed a accent in his voice, I don't think our school has any transfer students.

"Cool name. Uh I don't mean to be intrusive but where is your accent from?" I ask biting into my sandwich.

"I was born in America, but every summer I got to Ireland to visit family, so over time I've developed an accent." Kian says.

He sets his lunch on the bench and smiles.

"Thats awesome! I would love to have an accent like that or even British." I've been on a few family trips to visit aunts, uncles, and cousins that live in Chicago and New Jersey but not every summer. The last trip I went on with all of my family was to Chicago for my cousin Riley's wedding and I was a back up bridesmaid when her best friend Kayte came down with the flu that morning. That was three years ago.

"Yeah my brother just moved over there in June to help my grandparents with their farm and business." Kian takes a bite from his soup.

"Aren't you cold Evie? Its like 59 degrees"

"I am fine, thank you" I finish my a lunch.

The bell rings.

"We have Econ together right?" Says Kian

We walk down the bleachers and onto the grass. I guess I never noticed anyone at this school and the fact that we actually have two classes together just shows how interested I am with my classmates. Ross was the only exception because we were lab partners so we had to talk but other than that I've distanced myself from the horny boys and the jealous girls.

"Yeah we do" I answer. We make it over the field and onto the concrete ground. Kian smiles, flashing white teeth that are not so perfect but imperfect in a cute way. He has a bit if an underbite with a side tooth out more than it should be. I think he looks great like that, I mean it seems like everyone strives for perfection like perfect teeth.

We get to class before the final bell rings. I sit on the side against the window and I notice Kian for the first time in this class, he sits a few rows down but we have a clear view of seeing eachother.

For the first time in years, I am able to breathe and feel normal again. I think I might actually like this guy.

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