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Two thirty finally came around and the final bell rang to release us to go home. I headed to the student parking lot and to my car. Half way across the parking lot I see Luis wandering slowly around the parking lot, looking in various different directions. I squint my eyes a little as I continue to watch him, this goes on for a few moments when finally he makes eye contact with me. He smiles and waves...I do the same, and then proceed to my car. Unlocking the door I hop inside and put my seatbelt on, I start the engine and back out slowly. Making my way towards the main road I keep an eye out for Luis, I can't find him...its like he vanished. I shrug my shoulders and keep driving, heading back home.
     Darkness began to cover the sky and I was settled in at home once again chatting with Tiawna. Here is our chat conversation.

Me: Had another encounter with that Luis guy again.

Tiawna: Yeah? What happened? You guys official yet? Lol

Me: No, seriously...I don't know about him.

Tiawna: What are you talking about?

Me: Something about Luis is off. Today after school I was walking through the student parking lot to my car and I saw him out there, he was wandering the entire parking lot just looking around all weird like a creep. And then he smiled and waved at me and vanished. I couldn't find him while I was driving through the parking lot.

Tiawna: lol, you tool. He probably got into another car with someone else when you looked away. You think he's a ghost now? Lol

Me: I don't know what to think. I just don't know about this guy.

Tiawna: Well if you don't wanna get with that sexy ass can I?

Me: Tiawna I'm serious about this. I don't have the best feeling about this guy and you and me both hardly know anything about him. Just leave this alone...plz!

Tiawna: ugh, finnnneee!!

I turned my phone screen off and sat on the couch in complete silence thinking about Luis. What the hell was he doing in the parking lot today? I think it's time I start asking around about this guy. I'm getting a terrible feeling and I just hope that I'm wrong.


Parents are working this weekend so I have the house to myself pretty much the entire two days. Once again I find myself plopped on the couch being completely lazy. I could go chill with Tiawna I thought. And then Luis Mendoza popped into my head again...I thought about him for a few moments...and then I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. Let's try and have a normal weekend I thought. I got off the couch and snapped Tiawna asking if she wanted to chill with me. Of course she said yes, I got dressed and hopped inside my car heading out to meet her at the park.
     When I arrived at the park I got out of the car and went searching for Tiawna. I finally found her over near the baseball court and I saw she was talking with someone. Tiawna turned and looked over at me and smiled, in front of her...was Luis.

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