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The sight is like nothing Keith had ever seen before. Sure, he's seen tons of ships in his lifetime, but he's never seen so many different types. Alteans everywhere, arusions, Olkari, there are just so many. There are very few Galra ships, and of course the one Keith is in is the most decorated, but that's because it's Zarkon's ship. Keith stares in awe at the many faces around. A wonderful smell hits him, and he knows he's going to like it here. Though he'll be fighting, he didn't go through that war for nothing. This time, though, the fighting won't be to the death. The tournament is a Galdiator ring.

The gladiator ring is a long, one-week long battle for a spot on the Altean Royal Guard, something Keith has been dreaming about for years, though it's not the reason he's there. Ever sense his brother-in-arms Shiro married the princess now Queen of Altea, Keith has wanted nothing more than to be by his side. With the many Galra factions still rebelling and causing trouble, Keith knows that the only friendly faces there will be other Blades, Shiro, and of course Queen Allura.

"Keith, your father has gone ahead. Are you ready to depart?" Thace asks. Keith tears his eyes from the window and nods.

"I'm ready." After the Alteans started living on Aris, they have established what they once had: peace among species. Including the Galra. Of course the news of Galra being allowed to compete in the tournament wasn't received very well. Keith of corse expects a few weird looks, but the moment he steps off of the ship, there is near complete silence and everyone is starting. Keith can see a few weapons drawn as well. Keith immediately searches the crowd, and sees the face he's looking for.

"Shiro!" Keith shouts out quickly walking to the white-haired human. Shiro smiles and envelopes Keith in a hug. Keith happily hugs back. "How have you been?" Keith asks.

"I should be asking you that," Shiro says laughing, "you've got another scar. What happened? Another mission?"

"No, but I can't tell you," Keith says. "How's Allura? Is she still..." shiro frowns.

"She's warming up. She's talking with your father now." Keith nods. By his father, Shiro means the one who raised him during the war, Kolivan. Keith's real father is Zarkon, though the only ones who know that are Zarkon, Keith, and Honerva. Zarkon said it was to 'protect Keith from the dangers of being an Emporor's son.' Yes, Zarkon calls himself an Emporor. However, he stopped spreading his empire years ago, and anyone under his rule doesn't seem to care that there are Galra there anymore. Only Lotor's sections have fought back and rebelled, any others know that Zarkon is a good man.

"The tournament training doesn't start until tomorrow, right?" Keith asks. "Who is the one that will be showing the competitors to our rooms?"

"That would be Coran," Shiro says. "He has orange hair and a big fluffy mustache. Hard to miss. I've got to go greet other diplomats and make sure that Allura and Kolivan are getting along," Shiro says. "See you." Keith and Shiro bump fists, then Shiro walks off quickly. Keith looks around. He ignores the stares. It's not like any of them will approach him anyways, not unless they want to know how he fights. It's a likely scenario.

"Woah! A real Galra! I've never seen one up close," a girl says excitedly, approaching Keith. Keith takes a small step back, surprised. He didn't notice the girl had gotten so close. "So so so so so! My name is Romelle," She says, her eyes shining. "What's your name? Is it something cool? Is it Yorak?" She asks quickly. There's a few seconds of silence.

"Er... Keith," Keith replies getting his bearing back and relaxing. He's got to remember where he is.

"Oh, Keith is cool too! Are you participating in the tournament? Or are you just one of Zarkon's bodyguards? What's it like being Galra? What side of the war were you on? Have you ever killed anyone?" Romelle asks. Keith laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Actually, my father is the head of the blade of Marmora," Keith says quietly. "I've never met such a... energetic... Altean before."

"Wooaaaahhhh that's so cool!! So you are here to compete! There were rumors about the strongest person in the war being Kolivan's son!" Romelle says. She seems to have forgotten about the rest of her questions. Any conversation nearby ends and there are more eyes on Keith. Keith laughs nervously again.

"No no no, I definitely was not the strongest in the war," Keith says. "Voltron and the Paladins was the strongest, of course." Keith hears angry footsteps.

"Voltron was a bunch of crybabies, you would think at least a fellow Galra would understand that much," a deep voice says. The attention is drawn away from Keith to a rather large Galra with a very vicious looking robotic arm. Keith frowns.

"Oh this is Quiznacking fantastic," Keith says under his breath. "Voltron saved the universe."

"Voltron was a bunch of teenagers," the big guy says. He's probably two times Keith's size, and his freaking claw arm could easily crush him. Keith scoffs.

"Teenagers can be strong," Keith says. "Anybody the lions chose is strong, weather mentally or physically I'm not sure." The large Galra steps forward.

"Teenagers accomplish nothing. They are weak. Especially Galra as tiny and weak as you," The large guy says. "I, however, am strong. I'm sendak, perhaps you've heard of me."

"Oh I've heard of you," Keith practically growls. "But I am not weak." Sendak was high-ranking on Lotor's side of the war.

"Then how come I haven't heard of you? A small, weak, fragile little Galra like you shouldn't be here," Sendak says leaning down to Keith's height.

"Keith," Zarkon calls out. Keith immediately moves his eyes from Sendak, already forgetting about him for the moment. Sure, he pisses him off, but Sendak has no idea what Keith has had to put up with.

"Yes?" Keith asks as Zarkon and Honerva approach.

"Your father would not like it if he found you in another fight with a Galra half your size," Zarkon says. "Last time that happened you got hurt." Keith's expression softens slightly. "Please refrain from picking fights."

"Of course, Emporor. I'm sorry. Vrept Za," Keith says putting his fist to his chest.

"Please, Keith, make friends with some of the Alteans. You are the perfect representation of a good Galra," Honerva says. "We will be rooting for you in the arena. We know you will be victorious." Keith would love to stick his tongue out at Sendak, but he doesn't. He hears Sendak say 'Vrept za' to Zarkon. It's stiff and forced. Once Keith is sure the two have gone, he relaxes.

"Woaaahhh you know Zarkon personally!" Romelle says. Keith had almost forgot she was there. "They said they were rooting for you! You gotta tell me how you know them?" Romelle says excitedly, going up in Keith's face again.

"Er... through my father. During the war, I worked with them often to gather information on Lotor's fleet," Keith says. "Now I work for him."

"Oh really?" Romelle says in the most serious voice ever. "So you were a spy? What's to say you weren't a double spy?" It takes Keith a second to realize she's joking. Keith laughs and Romelle does too.

"Romelle, Hunk is looking for you again," an Altean Guard says. This place is so busy, every conversation seems so fast. Keith isn't used to such a fast-paced environment. Romelle waves and runs off, and Keith is left alone again. Keith sighs, wishing he could be training. That's what left him his sanity during the war, training. If he wasn't on a mission for Kolivan or Zarkon, he was on a training deck somewhere. And here, there aren't any of the Galra he has worked with before. Sadly, he sees a few faces he's worked against, like Sendak.

"What a joke. That Galra has no pride, look at him, he's so small," Keith hears from somewhere. Damn heightened hearing. "He's the only Galra here that didn't come in a group. Is he really that strong, or is he just overconfident?" Keith has heard that in the beginning of the tournament, if you're not allies with someone already then you're going to get knocked out early on. But the thing is nobody wants to ally with a Galra, especially not one so small and weak. Keith sighs. This is going to be a long day. Keith is glad that he prefers working alone anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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