It Probably Doesn't Make Sense

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Generations and Fandoms

Imagine that the generations are like different fandoms, or sections of a fandom.
I know, sucky comparison, but it's the best one i can think of.
The millenials are one fandom, the Gen Z as another, and so on.
The Gen Z fandom would be filled with young kids, that eat tide pods and support the Paul Brothers. Let's say Millenials is the part of the fandom that doesn't support the Paul Brothers, and doesn't eat tidepods, and knows fake news from real news.
Now, let's say that... 15-20% of the Gen Z fandom know the difference between fake and real news, and that tidepods are toxic and will burn holes in your esophagus, and that the Paul Brothers are horrible people who should have never been born.
Imagine there is a small part of the fandom who ignore the toxic others, and instead focus on other subjects. Who focus more on nasa discoveries than bad pop stars, and more on books published during their lives than marrying fictional characters, and more on the art drawn by a pencil in their hands (apple pencil or otherwise) instead of making badly composed jokes and bad dances on (no offense musically, there is a handful of you guys who are genuinely talented, but I mean the ones where they do dances to It's Everyday Bro, and do some just really cringe and questionable things???)
The kids who will grow up to be scientists and writers and artists.
Who everyone groups in with the Jake Paulers, and the tucutes, and the ROBLOX lets-players.
Its just like the Phandom. There are some amazing writers, and artists, and editors, but everyone seems to assume that everyone in it ships Phan and is annoying and demonish. But that's, of course, not the case.

So many people do not want to be associated with the Gen Z's because they are being lumped in with questionable 10 year olds, but unlike the Phandom, they cannot just leave. If they ask to join the Millenial "fandom", they will be rejected. If they stay within the bounds of their own generation, they will get lumped in with kids with a horrible taste in music(again i mean the ones who dance to It's Everyday Bro and do some very just ??? cringe things, not the talented singers and dancers)
Which is why we should stop using Gen Z as an insult. We should stop saying that no matter what they say or what they want to grow up to be, they still are annoying brats, and will never be allowed into the mature side of the internet. Because the majority is bad, we'll just round up to 100%.  It's like Millenials and the generations above them, when the older generations complained about Millenials, STILL complain about Millenials, because they didn't vote for Trump, because they started opening up more about mental health. Because they don't find racist or sexist jokes funny. It's just a cycle of shame bound to repeat itself over and over and over again.

If you guys fight in the comments about this I will mute you. I'm asking you to read, and share your opinion about it. If you disagree with a person's opinion, just mute them, or I will block the both of you (who are fighting).

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