First Day at Starling City

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    "Okay you got this just don't look like an idiot or make a fool out of yourself when you walk in there." I muttered to myself as a paved back and fourth in front of the Starling City Police Department. Before, I was a detective in Coast City but moved to Starling City to get at a better level.
I've only been to three city's before though which was Central City where I grew up, Coast City where I moved to get a better life, and now here at Starling City.

I finally got ahold of myself and stood in front of the SCPD. " goes nothing." I say and with one final sigh, I push through the doors. As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me. Was there something on my face? I suddenly felt insecure and was about to walk out and come back later until a voice spoke out. I wish I could be back at home watching Desperate Housewives in my bed, drinking coffee with my favorite mug. But it's too late to turn back now.

"Turn away guys, there's nothing to see here." I see an elder man in a police uniform walking toward me. He was very tall compared to my small, pettie figure. He must be one of the main ones that run this place.

"Officer Lance." He put his hand out which I gladly took. "You new here, right? Detective Darline De La Rosa?" I nod my head while looking up at him. "Okay come with me please." He starts to walk while I follow. He then leads me to a big office which I'm thinking is the boss or chief.

"Boss, we got a newbie?" Officer Lance asked. I see a man look up from his desk.
"Yes, I heard about you Detective De La Rosa." He smiles at me and while putting out his hand for me to shake. "They say you're a fascinating detective." I smile letting go of his hand.

"Anyways I just got a call from the Queen Consolidation, it appears the hoods have  attacked again." The chief says while getting up from his desk. Hoods? I mean I heard about the vigilante being called the hood but now it sounds like there's more people involved.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Wait the hoods?" I ask completely confused with the
situation. "What about the vigilante?"

Both men look at each other then me. "After the earthquake hit, the vigilante had been missing for weeks." Officer Lance says with a sad, heavy sigh. "A group of people had thought it was best to take matters into their own hands and disguise theirselves in hoods." Woah. Talk about copy caters.

"Okay Detective you need to come with us to see what's going on down there." He says already going out the door with Lance.

"Oh now? Uh, do I just leave my...alright." I say while following them out. Feels like it's going to be a long day.


When we walked in the crime scene, all I saw was glass and destruction everywhere. Wow the hoods are messy criminals. After questioning victims, I start walking toward Officer Lance and see him talking to a pretty blonde.

"Officer?" I stop in front of Lance and both of them look at me.

"Detective, meet Felicity Smoak. Felicity, meet Detective De La Rosa." Lance introduces us. Felicity shoots me a warm smile as I do the same to her. "Hello, Ms. Smoak. Were you harmed during the incident?" I ask her. She smiles again and nods, "Yeah just a few cuts but I'm fine."

I nod while a guy, which seems to be Oliver Queen, calls Felicity over. She shoots us one last smile and walks away from us. "Well she seems nice."

"Yeah she's a nice girl." Lance says while leading me away. But before I leave, I look behind my shoulder and glance at Oliver who is staring at me suspiciously. Weird. I just saw the dude and he's already looking at me funny. Later in the day, I was at a club sitting by the bar.

"Can I get you anything?" A boy in black asks. I nod "A non-alcoholic beverage." He nods while I rest my head on my hand, looking at the text.

I then see my drink placed in front of me and I give the guy a light smile. "Thanks." His eyes weren't concentrating on my me though, they appear to be looking at something else. I turn around to see a girl, handing out drinks to people in the crowd. I then turn back to him, "Oh. You like her?"

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